Donald Trump delays steel tariff decision for UK and other allies until June

Donald Trump has postponed his decision until June, according to sources - REUTERS
Donald Trump has postponed his decision until June, according to sources - REUTERS

British manufacturers have won a temporary reprieve on 25 percent tariffs being added to steel exported to the United States after the White House announced on Monday night that it was postponing a decision to impose duties on key trading partners for 30 days, avoiding a trade war with Europe

Mr Trump imposed the hike, along with a 10 percent tariff on aluminum, in March but granted temporary exemptions to Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the European Union, Australia and Argentina.

Those temporary exemptions were due to expire at midnight on Monday, prompting last-minute negotiations. 

Hours before the deadline, the White House said it had reached an “agreement in principle” with Argentina, Australia and Brazil, and was extending negotiations with Canada, Mexico and the EU.

"In all of these negotiations, the administration is focused on quotas that will restrain imports, prevent transshipment, and protect the national security," the White House said in a statement.

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The UK Government welcomed what it described as "positive" news and said it was working to make the decision permanent.

A Department for International Trade spokesman said: "We remain concerned about the impact of these tariffs on global trade and will continue to work with the EU on a multilateral solution to the global problem of overcapacity, as well as to manage the impact on domestic markets."

Earlier Liam Fox, International Trade Secretary, said placing the tariff on UK exports would be "illogical" because some of the specialist products sold to the US were destined for the American military.

Liam Fox, International Trade Secretary, said many of the affected imports were bound for the US armed forces - Credit: AFP
Liam Fox, International Trade Secretary, said many of the affected imports were bound for the US armed forces Credit: AFP

Dr Fox was due to hold talks with US commerce secretary Wilbur Ross in an effort to secure a continued exemption for the UK.

At an event in the Palace of Westminster on Monday evening, Dr Fox told reporters: "We believe that while it is understandable why the United States is concerned about Chinese overproduction of commodities such as steel, we think that the best way to deal with it is a multinational framework."

The European Commission on Tuesday called for a permanent exemption, arguing that temporary measures prolonged business uncertainty.

"The EU should be fully and permanently exempted from these measures, as they cannot be justified on the grounds of national security," it continued, adding that overcapacity in steel and aluminium was not from Europe. 

The decision came days after Emmanuel Macron, the French president, and Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, lobbied Mr Trump in Washington not to impose steel and aluminum tariffs on the EU.

And the delay allows US negotiators a chance to smooth relations with allies and focusing on their man objective of pulling China into line.

The Trump administration had gambled that it could win better trade terms with the threat of tariffs.

Although that has apparently helped push through a deal with South Korea, the European Union threatened retaliatory sanctions on everything from Bourbon to Harley Davidson motorbikes and showed no sign of backing down.

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British manufacturers and unions had spoken out about the potential damage tariffs could cause for UK firms and jobs since the tarifs were first threatened by Mr Trump in March.

At the time, Unite union national officer for steel Tony Brady said: "US tariffs on UK steel would be devastating for the British steel industry and the thousands of workers who have battled for its survival alongside their trade unions."