Donald Trump's national security adviser warns Russia's 'confidence is growing' as Salisbury spy attack reaches The Hague

Vladimir Putin, the Russian President - Getty Images Europe
Vladimir Putin, the Russian President - Getty Images Europe

Russia’s confidence is growing, Donald Trump’s outgoing national security adviser has warned, as Moscow takes its complaints over being blamed for the Salisbury spy attack to The Hague.

HR McMaster, who was ousted by the US President in March and will leave his post later this month, said “for too long some nations have looked the other way” and not done enough to combat Kremlin-backed “subversion and espionage”.

He said the US and its allies had “failed to impose sufficient costs” on Russia to make it change tack.

His intervention, widely seen as a parting shot at Mr Trump who has appointed John Bolton as Mr McMaster’s replacement, came ahead of an extraordinary meeting of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

The meeting has been called by Russia to "address the situation around allegations of non-compliance" with the chemical weapons convention made by the UK against Moscow in relation to the poisoning of the former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

The British Government and an international coalition of its allies have blamed Russia for the March 4 attack but the Kremlin has firmly denied the accusation.

HR McMaster, the outgoing national security adviser - Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images North America
HR McMaster, the outgoing national security adviser Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images North America

The meeting in the Netherlands comes one day after Theresa May, the Prime Minister, insisted that Russia was responsible despite scientists disclosing that they had not been able to determine where the nerve agent used was made.

Gary Aitkenhead, head of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down, said that while his team had been unable to identify the "precise source" of the Novichok nerve agent it was "probably only within the capabilities of a state actor".

He made clear that "it is not our job" to determine precisely where the nerve agent was manufactured but he said the work done at Porton Down formed part of the wider intelligence picture.

The Government also stressed that the analysis of the agent was only "one part of the intelligence picture", highlighting Russian research into delivering nerve agents to assassinate targets and its record of "state-sponsored assassinations".

The disclosure by Porton Down prompted calls for the Government to set out more of the evidence which lead it to conclude Russia was responsible as Labour accused ministers of rushing to blame Moscow for the attack.

But the Government was given a boost as the European Union said in a statement to the OPCW that it had “full confidence” in the UK’s Salisbury investigation. ​

The statement said: “The EU supports the UK decision to call on Russia to address urgently the questions raised by the UK and the international community and to provide immediate, full and complete disclosure of it Novichok programme to the OPCW.

“The use of chemical weapons, including the use of any toxic chemicals as weapons, by anyone, be it a State or a non-State actor, anywhere, and under any circumstances is abhorrent, illegal, and must be systematically and rigorously condemned.

“We have full confidence in the UK investigation and laud UK’s collaboration with the OPCW Technical Secretariat, in full compliance with the Convention.”

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons building in The Hague - Credit: Lex Van Lieshout/AFP
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) building in The Hague Credit: Lex Van Lieshout/AFP

Mr McMaster used his last public remarks as national security adviser to warn that the response to Russian action had been insufficient.

He said: “Russia employs sophisticated strategies deliberately designed to achieve objectives while falling below the target state’s threshold for a military response.

“Tactics include infiltrating social media, spreading propaganda, weaponising information and using other forms of subversion and espionage.

“So for too long some nations have looked the other way in the face of these threats.

“Russia brazenly and implausibly denies its actions and we have failed to impose sufficient costs.

“The Kremlin’s confidence is growing as its agents conduct their sustained campaigns to undermine our confidence in ourselves and in one another.”

Russia is expected to present 20 questions it wants answered in relation to the Salisbury spy attack during Wednesday’s session of the executive committee of the OPCW.

Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, said he hoped the meeting “will mark an end to what happened” as he repeated the Kremlin’s demands that it be allowed access to the case materials of British investigators.

Vladimir Putin - Credit: Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS
Vladimir Putin, the Russian President Credit: Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS

Diane Abbott, the shadow home secretary, said the disclosure from Porton Down raised questions about the Government’s approach in the wake of the attack.

She said: "It doesn't surprise me Porton Down is saying this because the security services were always very cautious in what they said.

"What surprised me was that so many were willing to rush into the media and say it was unequivocally Putin. That's not necessarily what we were told."

Ms Abbott also called on Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, to explain comments he recently made on German television about Russian culpability when he said: “The people from Porton Down, the laboratory, they were absolutely categorical. I asked them that myself. I said: 'Are you sure?' He said: 'There's no doubt'."

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a chemical weapons expert, said Britain needed to set out more of the evidence which lead to the conclusion of Russian culpability as he stressed the importance of countering Moscow’s “disinformation campaign”.

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I think that is pretty clear. We do need to do that and I would urge the Government to do exactly that because the last thing we want is any fracture in the strategic coalition that we have put together which has been very strong and I think it is probably time that the Government needs to throw some more evidence in that they have, that is compelling, that does not betray sources because again, we need to get on the frontfoot.

“Russia’s disinformation campaign is brilliant and ours is not and that is what I would urge.”