Donald Trump's happiest moments at the NATO summit

President Donald Trump met with European leaders and attended his first NATO summit in Brussels on Thursday, and boy did he have a great time.

While there, Trump shoved Montenegro's Prime Minister Dusko Markovic so that he could get a better spot for a photo opportunity, and he also scolded a bunch of US allies. It was a great time for all  — the best time — and we have the pictures to prove that Trump enjoyed it very much and there were no awkward moments whatsoever. 

SEE ALSO: Trump shoves another foreign leader in his latest big boy diplomacy move

No awkward small talk here.

Image: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Side eye is a sign of affection in Europe.


Here Trump shows off his pearly whites with a smile.

Image: AP/REX/Shutterstock

This is fine.

Image: AP/REX/Shutterstock

Admiring one's own shoes is essential for establishing diplomatic relationships. 

Image: AP/REX/Shutterstock

Here Trump is very pleased that he wore this very original tie today.

Image: Isopix/REX/Shutterstock

Being a world leader is fun!

Image: Isopix/REX/Shutterstock

Previously, Trump claimed that  NATO was "obsolete" but he has since changed his mind.

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