Donald Trump addresses the people, reviews ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ [VIDEO]

Respected film critic Donald Trump took to his YouTube channel Tuesday to share his opinion on the highly anticipated ending to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, “The Dark Knight Rises.”

Trump explains that the masses have requested his thoughts on a variety of subjects, and he has decided to humor the people by bequeathing his film knowledge upon the plebeians.

“Many people have been asking me to review things, especially movies,” Trump says during his opening remarks. “So last night I went to the opening of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ which is commonly known as ‘the Batman movie.’”

Thank you for that clarification, Mr. Trump, for without you we commoners would not have known that “The Dark Knight Rises” was the same as “the Batman movie.”

So what is Trump’s verdict? ”It was really terrific. What was really amazing was the fact that the cinematography — what they did — was incredible,” Trump eloquently stated. “The technology was amazing.”

However, neither the cinematography nor the epic storyline was Trump’s favorite thing about the film. “And most importantly, my building, Trump Tower, plays a role,” he said.

During his video address, Trump also touches on the subjects of a possible Anthony Weiner revival (“Anybody so perverted or so stupid to do what he did should not be entiteled to a comeback”), unemployment numbers (“People used to respect us, they don’t respect us anymore. They laugh at us”) and President Obama’s request that Mitt Romney release his tax returns (“What are you hiding, Mr. Obama?”).


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