Don Pratt responds: I have worked and advocated for Central Kentucky for decades.

Humbly said, I have worked and advocated for central Kentucky since a young man.

I have served all counties in the district in numerous ways compared to almost all folks, especially collecting and distributing luggage for foster kids, flood and tornado victims across Kentucky!

Freedom of choice! Pass ERA!

Medicare for All! Control profiteering medical industry and pharmaceuticals.

Consume less, enjoy what we have more. Global warming is real!

Reduce fossil fuel toxic usage - high speed rail - far greater freight shipment by rail.

Election reform! Stop corruption by big money!

Good solutions: Rank choice voting. Election guides - equal space for candidates. Public forums and public web pages for. questions.

Address addictions — alcohol, gambling, drugs, sugar, even shopping.

Tax reform including ways the rich pay. Tax bonds and stocks. Tax sugar for dental health. Tax toxic products.

Gun safety - insurance on guns and owners.

Address immigration and poverty issues in our world.

Reduce Pentagon budget. Better foreign policy. Stop supplying repression.

Bring peace, equality, equity and justice!

My life and campaign is a grassroots campaign.

I have been an activist protesting mountaintop removal and significant corruption of both parties by big money.

Parent to one biological daughter and 65 foster girls and boys, adopting two.

I owned and operated a very popular, local corner grocery.

Questioning what’s wrong! Advocating what’s right!

My life and campaign is a grassroots campaign.

Spread the word! I know I can beat Andy Barr! (confidence is explainable.). Feel free to contact me!

Don Pratt, 859 -552-2235

Don Pratt is a candidate in the Democratic primary for the 6th Congressional District.