Dog gets into owner's ink supply, tries to learn calligraphy


Bad dog, excellent calligrapher. 

An unlucky couple returned home from the movies last week to discover their Siberian husky had infiltrated their supply of calligraphy ink — and tried his paw at dog calligraphy.

SEE ALSO: Older dog teaches younger pup some manners

Image: imgur

Calligraphy is not a skill easily mastered, so he needed a lot of practice.

Image: imgur

And, since every surface is different, he needed to practice in several rooms.

Image: imgur

Fortunately, he did remember — just in time — that he is not allowed on the bed. The work of art that ensued is wondrously minimalistic.

Image: imgur

Fortunately, no one needs to worry about the dog or the house — both are just fine. 

According to the original Imgur post, the ink is non-toxic and, believe it or not, easily wiped away from most surfaces.

Image: imgur

See? A fresh canvas for next week's masterpiece.