Dog climbs tree chasing cat — really — but has to be rescued in Newport News

Tator the hound can climb trees, if properly motivated. Tator is not nearly as good at getting down.

The Newport News Animal Welfare Division received a call about Tator around 4 p.m. Wednesday. The Blue Tick Hound was stuck about 20 feet up a tree, not far from the cat he had been chasing. Tator chased Boris the cat onto a branch, then realized the gravity of his situation and would not go farther.

When firefighters arrived, Boris was sitting just out of Tator’s reach. Firefighters used a ladder to reach Tator and safely brought him down. Boris came down on his own.

Both Tator and Boris were fine.

Tator was “exceptionally proud of his unintended tree-climbing,” Animal Welfare said in a Facebook post.

“Today, the Fire Department learned that dogs can climb up trees,” the post read. “Tator learned he can’t climb down trees.”

Gavin Stone, 757-712-4806,