How doctors with visas could have helped more with COVID if the law allowed: Opinion

As doctors in the pulmonary and endocrinology fields, we have faced an extremely challenging past few years. The pandemic has further stretched and pushed our colleagues and us to the breaking point. As a result, the medical profession is in serious need of more workers. It’s time for Congress to step in and help.

Hospitals and practices all over the country are hemorrhaging doctors and nurses but have not been able to replace them. Quite simply, there are not enough new doctors and nurses to go around. Part of the problem is that our colleges and universities are not graduating enough domestic students with degrees in the STEM and medical fields. This shortage of new workers has left professions that rely on STEM-qualified workers, such as medicine and others, with a growing gap between what they can offer and what is needed.

We can address this labor shortage by leveraging all qualified labor available to the U.S., including international STEM and medical degree holders. For decades, the United States has attracted many of the top students worldwide.

More: Senate Republicans unveil plan to ease Kentucky nursing shortage. Here are the details.

In fact, we both immigrated to the U.S. in 2010 from India and completed our education and residencies in New England. We’ve worked in several states and institutions, including the Robley Rex VA Medical Center here in Louisville. We were thankful to have the opportunity to remain here through the limited visa options available to us, but not all those who are skilled and willing have the same opportunity.

We are members of a group called Physicians for American Healthcare Access, which represents hundreds of foreign-born doctors who are constrained by these archaic regulations. Temporary visas deny us the flexibility to assist in areas where medical personnel are needed. This policy prevented doctors and nurses from responding to calls for help when COVID cases overwhelmed hospitals, particularly in underserved areas with years-long staffing shortages.

In our case, we are prohibited from working at a hospital other than the one on our immigration paperwork. Although we wanted to help support struggling communities in Appalachia or other areas of our state without adequate medical staffing during the pandemic, we were legally prohibited. This left thousands of American citizens without access to urgently-needed medical care.

Both of us are highly specialized physicians with the ability to care for patients with some of the most complex medical conditions. There are very few other medical professionals in Kentucky who could provide this level of care. We are proud to have reached some of the highest levels of our fields because it means we’ve each been able to help thousands of patients toward a better quality of life.

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We aren’t asking for special treatment or to cut the line. We’re only asking for a workable system. Many of our colleagues in a similar position are expecting to wait 20-30 years before getting a realistic chance for a green card and permanent residency status.

We’re finally seeing optimistic signs from Washington. Leading Republicans and Democrats agree on this specific issue, even as they discuss comprehensive immigration proposals. It’s past time to update a broken system keeping hardworking immigrants in limbo instead of at patients’ bedsides. We can still fix this and be prepared for the next wave or next pandemic. Not only could these new workers combat covid-19 waves, but they’d also tackle chronic health challenges that plague communities.

The COMPETES Act, which has passed the U.S. House, aims to advance our global innovation, competitiveness and national security and would also meet the need for more STEM workers by expanding visa opportunities for foreign-born advanced degree holders in critical industries. Sen. McConnell voted in favor of, and the U.S. Senate passed, similar legislation, the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021, but it does not include the same STEM talent opportunities that COMPETES does.

Vinay Nidadavolu and Manikya Kuriti with their daughter
Vinay Nidadavolu and Manikya Kuriti with their daughter

Today, the two chambers are in the midst of negotiations over the differences between their two bills. As he guides his conference, I urge Sen. McConnell to support the inclusion of these critical STEM reforms in the final legislation. The senator and his colleagues have an incredible opportunity to strengthen Kentucky's medical infrastructure and ensure that no patient goes without treatment for want of a doctor.

Vinay Nidadavolu, M.D. is a pulmonologist at Louisville Pulmonary Care and Manikya Kuriti, M.D. is an endocrinologist with Baptist Health in Louisville. They are a married couple who came to the United States from India in 2010 but are caught in an immigration backlog that prevents them from being approved for green cards.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: How law prevented doctors with temp visas from helping more with COVID