Doctor Who Tests Homeless People For Coronavirus Handcuffed Outside His Miami Home

A doctor who tests homeless people for the coronavirus has said he was handcuffed by a police officer for no apparent reason in Miami, Florida, on April 10, while unloading boxes outside his home, local media reported.

Dr Armen Henderson, who was featured in a Miami Herald story in March for his work with homeless people during the pandemic, said the officer released him from the handcuffs and left after the doctor shouted for his wife, who came outside with identification.

In this video, captured by a security camera, Henderson can be seen unloading boxes when a Miami police officer pulls up next to him. After a discussion, which cannot be heard on the video, the officer handcuffs Henderson.

Jorge Colina, the chief of police for the city of Miami, said that his department will be investigating the detainment of Henderson. He said the police officer stopped at the scene because of a “litany of complaints pertaining to illegal dumping," but added that the actions of the officer at the scene would be investigated. Credit: Armen Henderson via Storyful