Doctor Who Christmas special 'not happening this year' — moved to New Years day

The Doctor Who Christmas special has almost become as traditional as roast turkey for die-hard fans of the series.

However, for the first time since 2005, there will be no new Doctor Who aired this year on Christmas Day.

The Mirror reports that new showrunner Chris Chibnall has elected to move the special to New Years Day.

Earlier this year, Chibnall confirmed that an 11th episode was being filmed, but never used the word “Christmas” when referring to it.

“I would definitely think there’s another episode after the end of the series,” he told a crowd at San Diego Comic Con.

Previous showrunner Steven Moffatt previously admitted that writing Christmas episodes was getting harder and harder.

“I sort of think we might have mined, and possibly over mined, every single thing we could about Christmas in Doctor Who and the last time we more or less ignored it,” he said.

Jodie Whittaker took over as the Doctor earlier this year and has proven a massive hit with fans, winning positive reviews across the board.