Diversity Roundup: Does Romney Have None of the African-American Vote?

Romney Gets No Love from African-American Voters: No African-American voters in a recent poll by NBC News/Wall Street Journal appear to support Republican Mitt Romney for president, with President Obama leading by 94 percent to 0 percent, MSNBC reports. Polling experts maintain that there was a sample size of more than 100 African-Americans for a total of 1000 voters in the poll, making the margin of error relatively close to the numbers from the 2008 election. However, they say, that it does not mean that Romney has no African-American supporters--just far fewer than Obama.

Low Birth Rate Leaves Consumer Spending in the Lurch: U.S. births have fallen to a 12-year low in 2011--with numbers steadily decreasing since the 2008 economic recession, leaving consumer spending and related industries to take the fall, Bloomberg reports. Economy experts say the chain--risk-averse young adults, lack of procreation and lack of spending--all contribute to a bleak picture for the nation’s economic future.

Study Finds Latino Stereotypes Affect Views on Immigration: Stereotypes that voters have about Latinos strongly correlate with their views on immigration, according to a new study reported on by Fox News Latino. The researchers, who interviewed more than 2000 registered Ohio voters, found that while there was no ties to views on immigration and beliefs about immigrants from Asia, the Middle East and Europe, views on Latinos with regards to unemployment, schools and crime were strongly related.

Feds Open Civil-Rights Shop in Alabama: The Justice Department is opening a civil-rights unit in Alabama following concerns over the state’s controversial move to address illegal immigration through some of the nation’s toughest immigration laws, the Associated Press reports. The state crackdown on immigration has raised larger concerns about state compliance with federal laws, the AP reports. There are fewer than 10 units across the country, according to Assistant U.S. Attorney Tom Perez.

Twenty-Somethings More Likely to Work in Retail: Millennials are more likely to hold jobs in the retail industry, which are also among some of the lowest-paid occupations, USA Today reports. Their fate is attributed to a few job opportunities as the economy recovers, leaving many to settle for retail gigs while looking for something better. Millennials with the best paid jobs are in the science and technology fields, but it’s often more common for them to be working in smaller companies.