Diversity Roundup: "Anglo-Saxon" Quote Continues to Reverberate

“Anglo-Saxon” Remark, An Ominous Start? Alleged off-the-cuff remarks by an unnamed adviser for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign saying that the White House didn’t appreciate the special “Anglo-Saxon heritage” between the U.S. and the U.K. has the European country abuzz as the Republican candidate begins his foreign tour Wednesday. President Obama’s team fired back, with Vice President Joe Biden calling the adviser’s remarks a “disturbing start” to his tour, Reuters reports.

Bad Economy, Less Babies: The U.S. birthrate has dropped to its lowest in the past 25 years, a trend that’s been attributed to the still-faltering economy. One demographic company predicts that the fertility rate will not bounce back for at least two years, affecting birthrates for years and as a result, the consumer industry for baby gear, USA Today reports.

Education Office for African-Americans: President Obama said he plans to create a new education office dedicated to helping African-American students succeed, in a speech Wednesday night to the National Urban League, the Associated Press reports.

The Plight of Adult Adoptees: Changes and oversights to adoption rules for children adopted from other countries have left some adult adoptees at risk for deportation, The Epoch Times reports. The stories vary, but thousands of adult adoptees were not grandfathered into the Child Citizenship Act of 2000, have been left in the dust, with expired green cards and no clear path to citizenship.

Is Romney Courting the Racist Vote? Virginia state Rep. Louise Lucas says Mitt Romney is deliberating targeting voters who do not want "folks like Barack Obama in any elected or leadership position," the Examiner reports.