Disturbing Video Shows Disney Employee Fighting Alligator Near Splash Mountain

Disney World ignored warnings that guests were feeding alligators at the park and the areas along the lagoon where a 2-year-old was snatched, according to reports.

Read: Parents of Boy Killed by Gator Break Their Silence: 'Words Cannot Describe the Shock and Grief'

Guests staying at the swanky Bora Bora Bungalows were reportedly known to frequently feed gators in the same lagoon where Lane Graves lost his life.

The luxurious private villas at Disney's Polynesian Resort rent for $2,000-a-night. They were built on stilts over the 7 Seas Lagoon.

"Disney has known about the problem of guests feeding the alligators," a former employee told TheWrap.com.

He says he recommended a "fence... be erected to protect guests." but he claims his warnings fell on deaf ears.

Guests have been seen feeding gators all over Disney World.

One video showed a Disney World employee fending off an alligator at one of the Magic Kingdom's most popular attractions — Splash Mountain.

Read: Another Boy Photographed Playing in the Same Spot as Lane Graves 30 Minutes Prior to Alligator Attack

The employee pokes the gator with a pole in an attempt to force it back into the water. But the animal is determined to come on land as tourists are enjoying the ride, oblivious to the danger.

Other folks saw what was going on and were amused, one tourist threw popcorn at the gator for a snack, a huge no-no when trying to avoid the predators.

Another video shot at the Coronado Springs Resort shows kids throwing chicken and lettuce at an alligator.

Watch: After Disney Alligator Attack, Survivors Talk Encounters With the Reptiles: 'He's Gone With My Arm'

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