Diehard Crimson Tide Fan With One Eye Gets Fake One That Says "BAMA" On It

Roll tide, or whatever.

Hopefully you're never in the market for a fake eye but, if you are, don't get one that lets everyone know who your favorite team is. That's what shirts and bumper stickers are for. Still, ignoring all good sense/advice is Alabama fan Mary Farr who made lemonade out of lemons a vacant eye socket, as you can see above (and below).

Farr is a late '60s graduate of the university who, in 1975, lost her eye in a plane crash. 40 years later she got the crimson accessory because now seemed like as good a time as any. It also serves a dual-purpose, not only does it celebrate the SEC powerhouse but "Bama" also happens to be her actual middle name.

Digest that for a second, we can wait.


Talking about her reasoning behind her bizarre choice of artificial eyeball, Farr said:

"Why not? I mean if you have to have any eye, a fake eye, you might as well have one that says 'Bama' on it. I'm wearing it for every game this year. I've been through a lot of stuff. But I'm telling you I love the Crimson Tide. They are the best. It's God, family and the Crimson Tide for me."

SEC country, ladies and gentlemen. Where even the sweet old ladies are more hardcore than you...:

...plus also absolutely terrifying.

[via My Fox Alabama, @RickKarle]

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