Did Sun Valley Snub Marissa Mayer?

Did Sun Valley Snub Marissa Mayer?

The invitation list for the elite Sun Valley mogul-fest has surfaced, and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is decidedly not on it, reports the New York Post. Allen & Co., which puts on its annual Idaho retreat with the biggest tech execs on the planet, is going through "an evolutionary change," claims the Post — so, apparently, the refreshed who's-who doesn't include the world's most overanalyzed female CEO or Dish boss Charlie Ergen, aka the "most hated man in Hollywood." Last year, even Zynga chief Mark Pincus, whose company has been in a total freefall since at least back then, showed up at the Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference — among other notable Silicon Valley bigwigs like Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter's Jack Dorsey. And, of course, other notable Lady Who Does Things, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg — yeah, she was there in 2012, too. So why didn't Mayer — leader of a giant tech company that has constantly been in the news for making some interesting moves including buying up a ton of companies — get an invite? 

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It's possible she was asked to come but just doesn't appear on the now-public document. The Post doesn't make that quite clear, writing: "The list, just released to attendees, reveals that one of the biggest tech deal makers this year, Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer, will not be in attendance." Perhaps she turned down the offer. But sources tell the Post that Allen & Co wants to find the next Facebook and isn't concerned in "traditional dealmaking." Yahoo certainly falls under the "traditional" umbrella and will never be the next Facebook. But with Mayer leading the way, her company has made a lot of interesting deals — like, you know, spending $1 billion for Tumblr. Having her in Idaho would certainly prove interesting for the investment firm. At the very least, she would "look attractive" for the cameras.