Did Prosecutors Marcia Clark and Chris Darden Have an Affair During O.J.'s Trial?

Did O.J. Simpson prosecutors Marcia Clark and Chris Darden have an affair during his trial?

The latest episode of the hit TV series The People Vs O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story shows Clark and Darden partying together during a secret weekend getaway to the Bay Area at the height of the trial.

Read: O.J. Simpson Watches 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' Behind Bars, Says Former Prison Guard

An awkward moment followed at the door of Clark’s hotel room.

Did it really happen?

His 36-year-old daughter Jenee was asked by IE if they did hook-up.

"I asked him if the rumors were true," she said. "He told me 'no.'" 

When Oprah interviewed him in 1997 she couldn't have been more direct.

Oprah asked: “Was there an affair going on between you and Marcia Clark at any time during or after the trial? An affair meaning sex?”

“Marcia Clark is an extraordinary woman,” Darden answered.

Oprah said: “You're taking the Fifth! Christopher is taking the Fifth!”

Tuesday night's episode showed a turning point in the trial when Simpson tried on the crime scene's bloody gloves.

The disastrous demonstration inspired Simpson’s lawyer Johnnie Cochrane to tell the jury during closing arguments: “If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.”

Read: O.J. Simpson's Trial: Where Are They Now?

Famed defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, who was a member of Simpson’s so-called “Dream Team,” says the demonstration was the prosecution team’s biggest blunder.

“Never have somebody try something on unless you know whether it's going to fit,” he told IE. “Once he tried on the glove and he was able to walk over to the jury and say: 'it's too small' he didn't have to testify.”

The gloves are currently locked away in a briefcase inside the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office.

Watch: Meet the Secret Weapon Who Told Simpson's Attorney's How to Pick a Jury

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