Did Linda McMahon Screw Over a Staffer With a Bounced Check and a Condom?

Did Linda McMahon Screw Over a Staffer With a Bounced Check and a Condom?

Already climbing out of her financial sinkhole of a losing Senate campaign, Linda McMahon is playing the "deny everything" game after a report that one of her campaign staffers received a check (that would eventually bounce) and, yes, a condom as a cruel kind of severance pay. 

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The McMahon campaign had trouble paying some of their workers after election day, voiding final paychecks for replacement versions, but Connecticut television station WTNH reported that some staff members complained about more than that. One staffer, Twaine Don Gomes, didn't receive his pay until after he went to WTNH, but he allegedly was handed an extra something something: "Basically [a campaign staffer] handed me a check with a condom in it, told me I was screwed," Gomes told WTNH. On top of that, the check bounced. 

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These are pretty unseemly tactics, but they might just fit McMahon's 'heel' persona, which has speculation into the report's veracity running rampant. McMahon ran as a Republican, but a few days before the election she was handing out flyers branding herself an independent and connecting herself to the president. At her old job, in the theater of professional wresting, that's called a 'heel turn.' Handing a condom to campaign staffer who just wants to get paid is the real life equivalent a wrestler ragging on the city they're in. It's cheap bad-guy stuff, really. 

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Which is probably why the McMahon campaign told the Hartford Courant the report is, "blatantly false." Considering she spent around $100 million of her own money on the campaign already, closing her wallet now just seems petty and cheap. The McMahons have a fortune the size of Scrooge McDuck, she should have no trouble finding a few gold coins to hand out to these poor people who volunteered to work for her. 

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