What did we learn from the social media blackout?

Yesterday for several hours Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp were all down for users across the globe. And for many of us, it was a moment to take stock of what we get out of social media in the first place.

Recently I've found some really useful and informative Instagram accounts from doulas, doctors and midwives that have helped me educate myself about birth and childcare. As a result I've spent far more time on the app that I did previously. And while there are certainly benefits, I've found a bit of community as I go through a major life change, I can also feel a certain itch to be stimulated by the flow of the Instagram feed when I have a free moment. I am restless and reaching for my phone far too often.

I wasn't the only one doing some reflecting. As my colleague Sara Moniuszko noted in a story, plenty of people were facing some hard truths as they couldn't log into their favorite social media sites.

"I haven’t been on Facebook in years and don’t miss it at all but today I learned that Instagram has an iron-clad HOLD on me," tweeted author Saeed Jones of the outage.

Facebook and Instagram were down Monday.
Facebook and Instagram were down Monday.

Others found joy in taking a break.

"With Instagram taking the day off, I haven’t known this much happiness (and been so productive) in a long time. IG honestly stay down babes, we don’t miss you!" user @MisterPreda tweeted.

While social media has its benefits – such as building networks and maintaining contact with others – too much time on these platforms is linked to depression, anxiety and stress, explains Dr. Shahla Modir, chief medical officer at All Points North Lodge, an addiction treatment center.

Modir says some people can develop an unhealthy relationship with social media platforms and start to internalize "likes" by creating a connection between online responses and their self-esteem.

Digital wellness expert Mark Ostach says he encourages people to "think about the micro-levels of digital trauma that exist when you quickly check your social media in between a conversation or right before you go to bed," including digesting things like politically polarizing headlines or traumatic posts about a friend's health. "It happens in a moment’s notice, and I believe it’s causing some low levels of trauma to what we think and how we feel.”

For me, yesterday was both a gut check (do I really need to be on Instagram so often?) and a bit of awareness about what this technology means to others. Around the world, WhatsApp is used as a primary form of communication for so many people. It wasn't just photos of cute dogs they were missing during the outage, but vital windows to friends and family.

The deal with trick-or-treating this year

Trick-or-treating is back this year. Sort of.

The Center for Disease Control has given a green light for children nationwide to trick or treat this Halloween – one year after the CDC advised against the tradition last year due to COVID-19 concerns, instead suggesting one-way trick-or-treating as an alternative.

Coronavirus cases are decreasing in the U.S. – 13% the last week of September – but community transmission remains high amid the delta variant, according to the CDC. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, told CBS News. "I wouldn't necessarily go to a crowded Halloween party, but I think we should be able to let our kids go trick-or-treating in small groups."

Experts say it's still best to take precautionary measures for Halloween given that most trick-or-treating children are under 11 years old and some are likely to still be unvaccinated.

“This is a topic that’s going through a lot of people’s minds, and there are still really important concerns,” said Krystal Pollitt, assistant professor of environmental health sciences at Yale School of Public Health. “Halloween activities can be done quite safely if we respect physical distancing and are wearing masks. Overall, it presents low risk if done safely and responsibly.”

That means while the general tradition is deemed safe, it's important for costume-wearers to travel in small groups to go house to house and to avoid boxed-in candy counting/trading scenarios or trunk-or-treat gatherings in a central location

"We don't want a large group of children congregating at doorstep," Pollitt said. "Smaller groups for very short durations at someone’s door is advised."

Read all about Halloween safety and advice here.

If you can't trick-or-treat this year, treat the young ones to a Halloween tale
If you can't trick-or-treat this year, treat the young ones to a Halloween tale

Today's reads

The players in "Squid Game" live and play in a surreal, video game-esque compound on a deserted island.
The players in "Squid Game" live and play in a surreal, video game-esque compound on a deserted island.

Today's pet

Meet a dog named Cocoa, but don't feed her any chocolate.

Cocoa has the most beautiful fur.
Cocoa has the most beautiful fur.

"Cocoa our Rescue Doggie since April 2021," says owner Cecelia Crane. She is an "Aussie/ Irish Setter and three years-old." Cecelia describes her as "our angel!"

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: What did we learn from the social media blackout?