DeWine trying to 'weaponize' schools, targeting leaders who condemn racism| Opinion

Gov. Mike DeWine recently proposed Ohio Board of Education district maps that significantly change the boundaries of four members who supported an anti-racism resolution last year.
Gov. Mike DeWine recently proposed Ohio Board of Education district maps that significantly change the boundaries of four members who supported an anti-racism resolution last year.
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Every child deserves an honest education grounded in facts and diverse perspectives, regardless of race, background, or zip code.

As a coalition representing some 30 organizations, from teachers unions to faith groups, and hundreds of students, families, and educators across Ohio, Honesty for Ohio Education believes that fair maps for state board of education districts are necessary to ensure all our children get a truthful and complete education. Without fair maps, we weaken the foundations of our democracy.

That’s why we’re appalled by Gov. Mike DeWine’s attempt to weaponize public education by gerrymandering new state board maps. DeWine’s plan, based on Senate districts since invalidated by the Ohio Supreme Court, is an attempt to suppress the voices of four elected state board members who want an honest, high-quality education for every Ohio student.

More: Ohio Redistricting Commission passes new 4-year maps for legislative districts, Supreme Court to review

Even more importantly, it would dilute the voices of urban and suburban families and significantly reduce the opportunity for voters of color to elect representatives to the state board.

Cynthia Peeples is the founding director of Honesty For Ohio Education, a nonpartisan statewide coalition that champions honest education, affirmation of identities and cultures, and local control in education.
Cynthia Peeples is the founding director of Honesty For Ohio Education, a nonpartisan statewide coalition that champions honest education, affirmation of identities and cultures, and local control in education.

Ohioans who care about their child’s education and our democracy should be outraged that DeWine has prioritized politicians over Ohio’s children.

More: Our View: DeWine, LaRose, Faber, Huffman, Cupp shouldn't get away with slap to voters' faces

Many Ohioans have watched as the Ohio Redistricting Commission has repeatedly failed to draw constitutional maps for the state legislature and U.S. Congress. Many don’t realize that Ohio’s governor is charged with drawing new boundaries for the state board’s 11 elected members.

Each state board district must contain three contiguous state Senate districts, be compact, and consist of districts centered in urban areas and rural areas.

This political act by DeWine is clear retribution for state board members who voted against the decision last fall to repeal the board’s 2020 Resolution to Condemn Racism and Advance Equity. The repeal sent a clear message to Ohio’s Black, brown, Asian, and Indigenous students, young people regularly targeted, dehumanized, and traumatized.

Shortly after the repeal, DeWine pushed out two board members who voted against it, including the state board president, who helped draft the original 2020 resolution.

More: Ohio Board of Education president Laura Kohler to resign over anti-racism resolution

His new district map clearly targets four others who voted against the repeal: Christina Collins, Meryl Johnson, Antoinette Miranda, and Michelle Newman.

DeWine’s plan would remove Collins’ home from her Medina-centered district and shift Newman from a compact district in east central Ohio to a sprawling wishbone spreading along the Ohio River and violating compactness requirements.

From our archives: Redrawing school boundaries needed often in central Ohio

Changes to Johnson’s and Miranda’s districts, in Cleveland and Columbus respectively, would reduce the opportunity for Black and urban voices on the state board and dilute urban voter representation by including more rural counties.

The larger concern is that state board members elected under the new maps would prioritize exurban and rural populations at the expense of the unique needs of urban and inner-ring school districts.

DeWine seems to want to put some kids—urban, suburban, and rural—in the back of the classroom while others favored by his political allies would be front and center.

More: State board of education sent clear message: Black and brown kids don't matter

As Ohioans who believe every student should have the freedom to learn an honest and complete understanding of our nation, we demand that DeWine draw fair state board districts to ensure every Ohio family can elect leaders who will be a voice for their children and serve their needs.

It’s not too late, Gov. DeWine—Ohio is watching. Our children are counting on us.

Cynthia Peeples of Hudson is the founding director of Honesty For Ohio Education, a nonpartisan statewide coalition that champions honest education, affirmation of identities and cultures, and local control in education.

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Are Ohio Board of Education district maps unfair? Opinion