Detroit Red Wings are not pleased their logo is now white nationalist propaganda

Many Detroit Red Wings fans were confused to see their favorite team's logo waving among swastikas, confederate flags, and other symbols of hate at a massive white supremacist gathering in Virginia on Saturday.

One widely shared video shows a group of racists carrying homemade shields marked with the team's insignia and chanting the Nazi slogan "blood and soil" as they poured into Charlottesville.

SEE ALSO: Trump blames 'many sides' for violence in Charlottesville

Lest you think that the Detroit hockey team has become a hate group, its front office said in a statement on Saturday that it "vehemently disagrees" with the Nazis who've repurposed its trademarks. The team said it's "exploring every possible legal action."  

The NHL also said it was "outraged" too.

The logo probably owes its appearance at the rally to a similarly named white nationalist group, called the Detroit Right Wings, though that hasn't been confirmed. The so-called "identitarians" do have a defunct YouTube channel and a now-suspended Twitter account that use the logo, and the slogan "Rust Reforged."

A state of emergency has been called in the city after the white supremacists violently clashed with counter-protesters, and at least one death has been confirmed.

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