Detroit’s First Black-Run And Community-Operated Grocery Store, Detroit People’s Food Co-Op, Opens Its Doors

Detroit’s First Black-Run And Community-Operated Grocery Store, Detroit People’s Food Co-Op, Opens Its Doors | Photo: Emilija Manevska via Getty Images
Detroit’s First Black-Run And Community-Operated Grocery Store, Detroit People’s Food Co-Op, Opens Its Doors | Photo: Emilija Manevska via Getty Images

Having a Black-owned and community-operated grocery store is a great stepping stone in the movement to revolutionize the city of Detroit for people of color.

On May 1, the first-ever, Black-owned and community-operated, full-service grocery store, Detroit People’s Food Co-Op, opened at 8324 Woodward Ave. in the North End area, the Metro Times reported. Since the residents in the city are predominately Black, there was much excitement for the grand opening. Hundreds of residents rushed to the doors within the first hour after the store opened, which isn’t a surprise since 70% of the region is “food insecure” per a 2022 report from the Detroit Food Policy Council.

Since the store is a user-owned and controlled business model, community members can shop at the marketplace and have a stake in the company by becoming a member. To get into the membership program, applicants must be 21 years old and pay a one-time $200 membership fee that can paid at once or via a payment plan. By Wednesday afternoon, there were already over 2,740 members.

“This is not something you’re invited to. It’s literally yours,” Lanay Gilbert-Williams, president of the Detroit People’s Food Co-Op’s board of directors, told the outlet. “There is no rich person in the shadows. People can’t imagine such a heaven where all types of people have come together to do a thing and take ownership of a thing. It belongs to the entire community.”

The store is part of a city-wide effort to “self-reliance and justice” as Black community members have a long history of civil unrest. Members of the co-op activities and future, shopping discounts, deals and potential patronage refunds per the site.

“This is just the first day,” Gilbert-Williams said at the grand opening. “We’re all a family. We’re breaking bread together. Food brings everybody together. We have not had a Black-led, community-owned grocery store in Detroit. What is that going to look like? It’s going to be interesting.”