Democratic voters in Iowa deciding on party's direction

The town halls are wrapping up, and as Iowa Democrats head to the caucuses Monday, polls show a majority of Democrats have one thing on their minds: defeating President Trump in November – even more important than agreement on the issues.

Nicholas Thompson, the editor-in-chief of Wired magazine, asked several of the leading Democratic candidates for president if they will beat President Trump.

"Yes. Flat out. And I think he knows that," said former Vice President Joe Biden. He added, "I think our democracy is literally at stake here."

"Absolutely," said the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., Pete Buttigieg.

"Yes," said Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. "I see this as a unique moment in American history."

"Yes, I will," said Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota. "We lost an election in 2016, and it was a heartbreaker. But we didn't lose hope."

But just how to do that is threatening to divide the party.

Buttigieg said, "Most Americans are with us on the issues, and yet, we've often struggled to win. ... This president absolutely could win again if we don't have the right approach to challenge him and defeat him."

The leading candidates have roughly split into two camps. And according to a New York Times poll, Iowa Democratic voters are split, too, between those who want a candidate who "promises fundamental change" (51%), or one who will just bring politics in Washington "back to normal" (42%).

On Iowa voter said, "I like more progressive thinking, and I'm really torn on their approaches to health care."

Another Iowa voter said, "We really need to be able to balance everything in this country for everyone."

Progressive Bernie Sanders (at 26%) is slightly leading in Iowa, according to (CBS News)

Democratic candidates bombard Iowa airwaves in final stretch of campaigning (CBS News)

   For more info:

2020 Caucuses (Iowa Democratic Party)Justice DemocratsFollow Ed Rendell on Twitter (@GovEdRendell)Nicholas Thompson, Wired

    Story produced by Alan Golds.

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