Democratic candidate says opponent is 'devotee of Bigfoot erotica'

Politics in 2018 continues to reach strange new depths.

Over in Virginia, Democratic candidate Leslie Cockburn and her Republican opponent Denver Riggleman (yes, that's his real name) are vying for votes in the upcoming midterm elections.

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Last month, Cockburn criticized Riggleman for campaigning alongside controversial Republican candidate, Corey Stewart, who has been accused of courting white nationalists over the past few years.

But Cockburn's latest barb against her opponent has nothing to do the far-right, but rather the far-fetched. 

Cockburn accused Riggleman of having an alleged penchant for "Bigfoot erotica," as per a screenshot from what appears to be his Instagram profile, which was tweeted by her. 

"This is not what we need on Capitol Hill," Cockburn wrote.

Cockburn followed up with another screenshot of a Bigfoot sketch, also featuring an equally large rectangle censoring the folklore icon's genitals. Riggleman, a distillery owner, has his Instagram currently set to private.

It's a lot for the internet to process.

While Cockburn's tweet might've piqued the internet's interest, she's not the first person to spot the sexy Bigfoot book dubbed The Mating Habits of Bigfoot and Why Women Want Him.

On Friday, U.S. House editor of the Cook Political Report, David Wasserman, noted the piece of erotica in his overview of the open Republican seats in the House on Friday.

No word yet from Riggleman on the topic. It's a mystery nearly as great as...well, you know.

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