Democratic ad slams Hawley over allegations against donor

Democratic ad slams Hawley over allegations against donor

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — A Democratic political action committee is targeting Republican Missouri Senate candidate Josh Hawley over allegations of corruption by a past top donor, although Hawley's authority to take action against the donor is limited.

A Senate Majority PAC ad claims Hawley is "refusing to investigate" as attorney general.

At issue is a $100,000 donation David Humphreys gave to a state Senate leader after the lawmaker proposed legislation that might have helped Humphreys' business, although the donation also came shortly before new campaign finance limits took effect.

Humphreys also donated nearly $3 million to Hawley. The lawmaker and Humphreys have both denied wrongdoing.

Hawley has said his office doesn't have initial jurisdiction to press charges in such cases. Former Solicitor General Jim Layton says while Hawley's wouldn't have subpoena power.