Can a Democrat unseat Massachusetts' popular GOP governor?

BOSTON (AP) — Even with signs of a surge in liberal Democratic enthusiasm, Jay Gonzalez likely faces a steep climb in his bid to unseat Massachusetts' popular Republican governor in November.

The Democratic nominee must quickly figure out ways to channel into his campaign the energy and thirst for change that powered Boston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley's primary election upset of longtime Democratic U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano.

Gonzalez describes himself as the "little guy ... both literally and figuratively" in the race. The literal portion of the phrase refers to his being more than a foot shorter than Gov. Charlie Baker. The figurative portion highlights his appeal to voters who feel they haven't shared in the state's economic prosperity.

Stonehill College political science professor Peter Ubertaccio says Gonzalez will have to compete with Baker's popularity and the incumbent's large financial advantage.