The Defenders season 2 not happening anytime soon, says Krysten Ritter

The second season of Jessica Jones has finally reached Netflix, bringing the alcohol drenched superhero back to out TV screens.

Krysten Ritter was last seen portraying Jones in The Defenders, the Marvel mash-up series that saw the character team-up with Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage to battle Sigourney Weaver.

Despite receiving a mixed response from critics, many fans are expecting The Defenders to return at some stage. However, speaking to Vulture, Ritter tempered expectations, telling the publication she was unsure whether they would all return for another series.

“I had a great time doing The Defenders and honestly, it was such a good experience that I would even do it again,” she said, before adding: “I don’t think we are doing it again. It was never intentioned to do it again, but, you know, if I was given another opportunity, I would.”

She continued: “My heart is with my show because of the subject matter and because of the great drama that we get to do and the personal issues that we explore. For me, that is more the type of content that I enjoy as a viewer and as a performer. My heart is in Jessica Jones, but I did have a great time doing The Defenders with the guys. We had a good time. It is what it is.”

Catch Ritter in Jessica Jones season two on Netflix now.