To Defend Ivanka, Trump Just Invented 100,000 Hillary Clinton Emails Which Never Existed

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media.
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media.

Donald Trump doesn’t mind using flawed logic to get him out of a hole, and in some cases when even that doesn’t work, the president simply “invents” facts.

Another example of such inventiveness came this week when Trump, who has seen the now Democrat-controlled House Oversight and Government Reform Committee begin an investigation into whether or not Ivanka Trump used private email for government-related business, cooked up more than a 100,000 Hillary Clinton emails which don’t exist.

Clinton had used her private server for government-related emails back when she was the Secretary of State, 33,000 of which were eventually deleted by an employee managing Clinton’s private email. However, a subsequent investigation by the FBI, although it rebuked Clinton for her carelessness, didn’t find anything criminal in her actions.

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