Extended: Sun Country Sale

Sun Country's contribution to Cyber Monday is good for travel to/from Minneapolis from January 8 through May 22. Fares are valid for travel into or out of Lansing, Washington DC, Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego, and San Francisco.

All tickets must be booked by 11:59pm CT, today, November 27.

Fares are reversible and include:

Minneapolis to Los Angeles $198 round-trip, including all taxes

Minneapolis to San Francisco $198 round-trip, including all taxes

Minneapolis to Boston $158 round-trip, including all taxes

Minneapolis to San Diego $198 round-trip, including all taxes

Minneapolis to Lansing $118 round-trip, including all taxes

Minneapolis to New York $178 round-trip, including all taxes

Minneapolis to Washington DC $118 round-trip, including all taxes

For a complete list of current deals, visit our Minneapolis fare page.

Claes Oldenburg image via Shutterstock