Death in Paradise star Josephine Jobert explains why she quit

Photo credit: Red Planet Pictures/Denis Guyenon - BBC
Photo credit: Red Planet Pictures/Denis Guyenon - BBC

From Digital Spy

Note: This article contains spoilers for the latest episode of Death in Paradise which aired on February 14.

Former Death in Paradise star Josephine Jobert is explaining why she quit the show in an emotional new video posted to the BBC One's show's Twitter account today (February 18).

Speaking in the clip, the French actress revealed that she thought it was time for her to leave because of "personal and professional reasons" and also denied that there was anything dramatic behind her exit.

"Nothing dramatic, I swear, everything is fine," she said in the clip, calling her time on the series "an amazing experience".

"I loved every minute of it and I'm going to miss the show," she continued.

The star – who played Florence Cassell on the BBC series from series 4 to series 8 – then went on to describe her decision to leave as being "tough" to make, before thanking viewers for all their "love" and "support".

Photo credit: Red Planet Pictures/Denis Guyenon - BBC
Photo credit: Red Planet Pictures/Denis Guyenon - BBC

"Don't stop watching. I promise there are so many good episodes coming and you'll be surprised," Josephine then teased.

As fans saw in the recent two-parter of the murder mystery drama, Florence ended up being shot as she followed her fiancé Patrice Campbell to a mysterious abandoned warehouse.

But just when it looked like she wasn't going to make it in the February 14 episode, Ardal O'Hanlon's Jack Mooney found her just in time and saved her life. Patrice, however, was the one who died as it was uncovered that he'd been caught up in a murder plot set up by a business associate of family friend Tiana's long-lost father.

Though she survived being shot, Florence made the decision to leave the island as a result of the trauma, leaving behind Jack and her detective job.

Death in Paradise continues on Thursday (February 21) at 9pm on BBC One.

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