De-stress your life in 2016

De-stress with yoga
De-stress with yoga

If you’re starting 2016 still exhausted from the work of 2015, it’s time to start thinking about how to have a more stress-free life in this new year. Instead of making resolutions that you are likely to break, surround yourself with gear that can help you de-stress your life and bring more relaxation, comfort, and happiness into your world.

Let’s begin with yoga—a classic de-stressor because it works. I’ve had a morning yoga practice for the past eight years, and it is essential to helping me stay calm and focused throughout the day. Take 20 minutes to stretch your body and relax your mind before you dive into the business of jobs and families, and you’ll be better prepared to handle whatever stressors come your way.

Start with the Gaiam Yoga Mat ($21.98). This is the yoga mat I use, and I’ve found it to be very durable. My current yoga mat has held up for about four years, and I’ve never had any issues with slipping, odors, or any other typical yoga mat problems.

Gaiam Yoga Mat
Gaiam Yoga Mat

You can sign up for a yoga class in your neighborhood, but if you’d rather do yoga at home, there are a number of quality instructional videos available. Try Element: Yoga for Energy and Relaxation ($9.72), in which Tamal Dodge of The Yoga Collective takes you through a series of poses designed to relax and restore the body, as well as another series of poses designed to energize.

Even if you do use a yoga DVD, I’d suggest going to at least one or two drop-in yoga classes, especially if you are a beginner. An in-person instructor can help you adjust your yoga poses to provide better alignment, and can also provide guidance to help you stretch into poses that might be more difficult. As with any new exercise program, consult with a doctor before getting started.

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Big Magic
Big Magic

Yoga and other exercise routines are great ways to de-stress, but so is curling up with a good book. If you’re looking for an inspirational read, consider Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear ($13.72). Gilbert is the author of Eat Pray Love, and in Big Magic she provides a guidebook for anyone wanting to live a more creative life. You don’t have to be an artist to get value out of this book; it is for anyone who wants to live with more joy, love, happiness, and abundance in their world.

You should also add Cheryl Strayed’s Brave Enough ($10.24) to your reading list. Strayed is the author of Wild, as well as the popular advice column Dear Sugar; Brave Enough is a collection of her favorite quotes and inspirational sayings. “I think of quotes as mini-instruction manuals for the soul,” Strayed writes. I agree with her.

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Calming Patterns adult coloring book
Calming Patterns adult coloring book

Many adults have started to de-stress their lives through coloring books. If you enjoyed coloring as a child, pick up a coloring book for adults such as Calming Patterns: Portable Coloring for Creative Adults ($9.66) as well as a pack of colored pencils. I used Prang colored pencils when I was younger, and they’re still around; grab a box of Prang colored pencils, 50-count ($16.39) to make sure you have all of the colors you need for these intricate and calming designs.

Natori robe
Natori robe

What should you wear while you’re reading or coloring? Indulge in a Natori Sherpa Micro Velour Robe (starting at $94.28) and snuggle into the soft, relaxing fabric. Amazon reviewers say they’ve never felt anything as soft as this robe, so treat yourself to the comfort that a well-made robe can provide.

If you prefer to de-stress with music, try Enya’s newest album, Dark Sky Island ($13.25). This album, which released in November, is Enya’s first album since 2008’s And Winter Came… and is a welcome addition to any Enya fan’s collection. Even if you’ve never listened to Enya before, take a chance on this album. My favorite track is “Echoes in Rain,” which provides the same steady, calming beat as previous Enya hits “Anywhere Is” and “Only Time.”

Celestial Tension Tamer Teas
Celestial Tension Tamer Teas

There’s one more item to add to your de-stress checklist, and that’s a pack of Celestial Seasonings’ Tension Tamer tea ($15 for 6 boxes). This tea is a staple in my kitchen, and it contains stress-reducing ingredients such as eleuthero ginseng, ginger root, chamomile, and vitamins B6 and B12.

If you’d like to continue to de-stress your life in 2016, watch sites like Groupon for specials on massages, facials, and more. You might even see coupons for yoga classes! Remember that spending money on self-care is like investing in yourself; taking the time to care for your body, mind, and spirit is an essential part of life and will help prepare you for whatever the next year brings.


How would you like to de-stress your life in 2016? Will you use any of these tools to help you?