A Day Later, People Are Still Freaking Out Over (and Making Amazing GIFs of) Obama’s Farewell Address

On Tuesday night President Obama flew home to Chicago, where his presidential campaign began way back in 2007, to deliver a farewell address to the American people.

As you can imagine, people were feeling all the feels during the hour-long speech. Many took to Twitter to thank Obama for the past eight years.

People will miss the entire Obama family — in particular, First Lady Michelle Obama.

There was some worry about Obama’s youngest daughter, Sasha, who wasn’t in Chicago for the speech. (She had a science test the next day. Ugh, high school!)

But mostly, people were crying (especially when Malia Obama started crying!).

Including the president himself.

Even the morning after the speech, people were still weepy.

Many celebs weren’t shy about expressing their love for the outgoing president.

And the GIFs. Oh, the GIFs.

There was emotion.

Especially during this hug.

Oh, and this hug.

And this point!

There were throwbacks.

And thank-yous.

Thanks, Mr. President.