David Mazouz Shares Fan Photo Of Bruce And Joker Face-Off

Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) and the Joker (Cameron Monaghan) will have an even more exciting arc this Season 3 of “Gotham,” and it looks like their battle has already begun.

In the episode titled “The Gentle Art of Making Enemies,” the Joker kidnaps Bruce and threatens his life. Mazouz seems pretty excited about this development as he shared a fan photo of a Bruce/Joker face-off.

Earlier, executive producer John Stephens talked to Screener TV about the Joker’s beef with Bruce. “[Bruce] really gets pulled into the Jerome story full-tilt. We really see a big step that he takes, another chink in the Batman philosophy, another brick in that wall gets built, in episode 14 - and it gets built via Jerome,” he said. “And Jerome will really be standing in for the person we know probably is out there. To us it's very significant that that guy ends up informing this part of the Batman mythology.”

In order to give a convincing portrayal, Monaghan told the Observer that he and Mazouz always had to be on character even after the cameras stop rolling. He said he’s quite impressed with Mazouz because his acting skills are beyond his age. “I’d show up on the day, as Jerome [Valezka], and he had to trust that if I would choose to grab him – sometimes I’d grab him by the face or by the coat collar or something – he was okay giving it back and being confident enough to stand it,” said Monaghan.

Sadly, the show will go on another break after airing this action-packed episode. But Carmen Bicondova, who plays Selina Kyle in the series, assured fans that the show will return sooner than expected.

“Gotham” Season 3, episode 15, titled “How the Riddler Got His Name,” will return on April 24.


David Mazouz plays the young billionaire Bruce Wayne in “Gotham” Season 3. Photo: Fox

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