David Axelrod: ‘I’m Not Sure Mitt Romney Would Have Made That Decision’ to Kill Bin Laden


President Barack Obama‘s chief campaign strategist David Axelrod said Sunday he’s “not sure” if Mitt Romney would have made the same decision to take out Osama bin Laden.

Axelrod made his remarks on ABC’s “This Week” in the context of discussing Obama’s national security credentials, which have come under fire from the GOP presidential candidates hoping to unseat him.

“I think when you look at the record — ending the war in Iraq, bringing Osama bin Laden to justice, destroying the leadership of Al Qaida. I think Americans know that this president — he’s made some very tough calls,” Axelrod told George Stephanopoulos, hosting the show for the first time since Christiane Amanpour left.

“I know Mitt Romney said well, any president would have given the order on Osama bin Laden. [Former Defense Secretary] Bob Gates said it was the most courageous decision he’s seen a president make in his 30 years in Washington,” Axelrod said. “I’m not sure Mitt Romney would have made that decision, that was a very courageous decision.”

Axelrod’s remark went unchallenged by Stephanopoulos.

Romney said in December he believed any president would have given the order to kill bin Laden.

“With regards to Osama bin Laden, we’re delighted that he gave the order, take out Osama bin Laden. Any president would have done that, but this one did and that’s a good thing,“ he said on ”Fox News Sunday.”

Watch the clip below, via ABC. Axelrod’s comments about national security begin at the 6:27 mark: