Would This Dating Site Trick Work on You?

Would This Dating Site Trick Work on You?

A man claims he's discovered a 100% fool-proof way to get a reply on dating sites. This simple method has worked for him every time. What is the secret?

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He takes the first letter of the woman's name and makes a poem with it, known as an acrostic. Dr. Ordon demonstrates how the poem works using guest host plus-size model Rosie Mercado's first name.


Did it work on Rosie? She says, "Having gone on 100 dates before getting married.. you name the apps, I was on them. What I saw is, a lot of guys were like, "Whats up?" [or] "Hey," and that's not going to attract my attention. You do something a little bit more clever [this] way, or try to have an actual conversation? That's wonderful."

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Some claim using a person's name is the most effective way to capture attention. Although Rosie reminds us all that nothing beats flirting in person. Would an acrostic poem work on you?