Data science, theater, agronomy are part of plans for the Academic All-State 2024 Top 10

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These are Iowa’s best and brightest students, the next generation of leaders. Each year, Des Moines Register editors ask Iowa school officials to nominate seniors for Academic All-State recognition. Each school selects one graduating senior who stands out among his or her peers for achievements in academics, community involvement and leadership. The students share reflections on their past achievements and thoughts on their futures. Register editors then chose 10 “outstanding students” from the entire state to feature here. Editors also chose five more students from each of five geographical regions to highlight. We also publish the names of all students selected by their school officials.

ACADEMIC ALL-STATE 2024: Top 10 statewide | Full list | Northwest | Northeast | Central | Southwest | Southeast

Cora Killpack


ACT score: 35

Class rank: 1/46

GPA: 4.234

College: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Major: Biological Systems Engineering

Cora Killpack
Cora Killpack

What are your life goals? After high school, I plan to attend the University of Nebraska to pursue a degree in biological systems engineering and pre-medicine. I will be seeking an advanced professional degree in the medical field as a doctor or earning a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering. Either way, I plan to focus my career path and studies in the area of medical research. My main goal is to help people. I know it sounds cliche, but it is the blending of human empathy, creativity, and science that calls me into the medical field to make advancements toward a healthier society.

What challenges have shaped you, and how? I was born on a different continent, with a different name. To the world, I’m an Asian woman, and yet my experience of being raised in a white family has made me feel like I have two faces – one of my birth and one of my nurturing. My rural community supports me and wants me to succeed. I was allowed to take classes with older students or online. The social circumstances of this solution made me feel separated. I was class president yet rarely sat in the same classroom as my peers. Being a high-achieving Asian student also fed into stereotypes. It was commonly believed I didn’t work hard for my achievements. I no longer want to have two faces. As I seek my next academic home, I hope it will cultivate all of my identity – Asian, American, birthchild, adopted, intelligent, female.

My favorite place in Iowa: A scenic lookout that me and my friends frequent during the summer. The Loess Hills I live in are gorgeous, especially in the summer when the wildflowers bloom. I remember the first time I went there; it was warm as the sun was setting. We played indie music from our phones as we played Hacky Sack. When the stars came out, we laid out a blanket and watched for shooting stars.

Braden Bollin

Le Mars Gehlen Catholic

ACT score: 35

Class rank: 1/34

GPA: 4.000

College: University of Iowa

Major: Neurobiology – Pre-Medicine

Braden Bollin
Braden Bollin

What are your life goals? I hope to one day, after many years of schooling, be a successful and impactful physician. I don’t just want to help people, but I want to be the person that first comes to others’ minds when they are in need of medical care. I hope that I can be a doctor who makes incredible impacts in others’ lives. More than anything else, I want to save lives. I’ve worked in the service industry for years now and I enjoy talking with and serving people. I would consider myself a people person, and I know that I have the capability and the capacity to meaningfully serve others through medicine. Personally, I hope to one day have a family who I can protect, provide for, and leave a legacy.

What challenges have shaped you, and how? I am self-aware enough to realize how fortunate I am to have been given a comfortable life with fewer worries than others. One of the biggest obstacles in my own life has been my own perfectionism and the pressure I often place on myself. Recently, one of the most beneficial skills I have learned is the flexibility of allowing myself to make mistakes. Learning usually requires making mistakes and bettering myself, and I am always striving to be the best version of myself.

My day is not complete until I ... accomplish something. Anything. Checking things off my to-do list I’ve found is one of the simplest ways to feel productive and motivated. It can be anything from finishing a research paper to doing my laundry to picking up a shoe, as long as I can check it off.

Anders Lovstuen


ACT score: 36

Class rank: 1/130

GPA: 4.000

College: Iowa State University

Major: Agronomy

Anders Lovstuen
Anders Lovstuen

What are your life goals? My goals in life are to settle down in the Decorah area and work as an agronomist for the USDA. Also, I want to be involved in showing dairy cattle and work on the family farm. I plan to be an active member in the Decorah FFA Alumni, helping with contests and mentoring students with their show animals. I would also be interested in being an assistant coach for the Envirothon Team.

Best high school memory: The State FFA Convention Freshman year was definitely a highlight. My first time walking into the arena that was filled with people in blue jackets just like my own was very powerful and made me feel like a part of something larger than myself, really for one of the first times in my life. I competed in the Conduct of Meetings event that year which was my first time competing at such a high level which came with a lot of nervousness, but also excitement by bonding and performing with my teammates. We got third place at State, and it taught me that if I really worked hard at something and gave it my all, competitive success would often follow.

My favorite place in Iowa: At my house in the country, there is a little clearing in the woods with a spring and waterfall. It is special because it is a place that not many people have seen, so it feels unique to my family who have owned the property for over 160 years.

Sai Pranav Kota

Cedar Falls

ACT score: 36

GPA: 4.340

College: Undecided

Major: Global Health

Sai Pranav Kota
Sai Pranav Kota

What are your life goals? I can’t see myself anywhere but the hospital (no, not as a patient) as a physician. As a sophomore, I started volunteering as a patient advocate at the hospital: talking and listening to countless patients every week like a friend. And from meeting patients missing loved ones, patients facing abuse/discrimination, and patients I saw every week until I didn’t, I understood my place belonged in medicine, caring for people inside and out, ensuring they remained happy and peaceful, in life and death. But from patient advocating, I also recognized widespread health disparities from income, race, and migration, stemming from humanity’s struggle with bias and group ego. It’s why, as a medical leader, I hope to craft urgently needed inclusive policies protecting fundamental health rights.

Best high school memory: Being accepted to and attending the Garcia Summer Research Program at Stony Brook University led me to meeting some of my closest friends from around the world who share my passion for science and research but also hold different perspectives and experiences than me. The lab work and research I conducted was undeniably fun and ground-breaking, but the fishing (I only caught a crab), table tennis tournaments, walks to 7/11, all-nighters, and lost Taco Bell are life-long memories.

My favorite place in Iowa: Des Moines. It’s got the best and most diverse food in the state (I’m a foodie). But more importantly, I love the Iowa State Fair, a culmination and celebration of us Iowan’s culture. It’s the place of some of my most memorable memories with my family and friends. And, of course, let’s not forget about the life-size butter cow.

Isaac Alexander


ACT score: 34

Class rank: 1

GPA: 4.000

College: Grinnell College

Major: Computer Science or Math and Performing Arts

Isaac Alexander
Isaac Alexander

What are your life goals? My plan for college is to double major in two distinctly different tracks – one for my head and one for my heart. I will study either computer science or math, in order to pursue a career as an actuary or data scientist. I’ve always been strong at patterns and formulas, and I’d love to use that ability to help others, whether through insurance protection, financial security, health care planning, or another statistics-based category. My other major will be in the performing arts. I have perfect pitch and have many years’ experience in piano and percussion. I’ve performed in 20-plus plays and musicals, and acting is my favorite extracurricular.

What challenges have shaped you, and how? As a young child, I was plagued with extreme sensory issues. I was particularly terrified of loud noises, from vacuum cleaners to hand dryers to restaurant staff cheerfully sing-shouting “Happy Birthday.” My family was a great support, getting me access to speech therapy, occupational therapy, and other services that gave me the tools to adapt to the world around me. As I matured, not only did I develop strong coping mechanisms, I even started to thrive in intense situations, such as concerts, marching band, and theme parks. Today I pride myself on being adaptable, calm and resilient.

My favorite place in Iowa: There’s a place where I always have a fun-filled day: Adventureland. My first visit as a 3-year-old was the gateway to my becoming the theme park fanatic I am today. I’ve ridden countless thrill rides at many parks, from Disneyland to Cedar Point to Six Flags, but nothing beats Adventureland for beloved nostalgia.

Lucas Muta

Ankeny Centennial

ACT score: 32

GPA: 4.397

College: Iowa State University

Major: Mathematics, Biology, and Spanish

Lucas Muta
Lucas Muta

What are your life goals? I have been interested in too many things for most of high school, and I still am. My almost-hereditary interest in biology, easy understanding of math, and love of foreign languages don’t always fit together well, but they create a unique niche for me to pursue. Eventually, I want to teach biology at a university and research how knowledge of different languages influences epigenetics and brain structure. Language is humanity’s greatest bond and strongest barrier, and understanding how it physically changes the body and mind will create a greater community worldwide. I also want to maintain and learn multiple languages, like Spanish, French, Mandarin, Arabic, Korean, and Japanese.

What challenges have shaped you, and how? In the years before high school, I experienced overwhelming depression and gender dysphoria. Being a trans student during COVID was lonely and exhausting. The pure loathing I felt toward myself was intense, and the pain of being in a body that wasn’t mine ached every day. I struggled to remake myself socially, physically, and mentally throughout early high school, and school became my guiding light. It was my only constant. Even when I was hopeless, homework became a distraction I learned to immerse myself in. Eventually, it wasn’t an arduous task anymore but something to thoroughly enjoy. More than that, I found a community of teachers, friends, and administrators to support me. Through hard work, I overcame the worst period of my life, became entirely new, and made long-lasting achievements still impacting my school.

My day is not complete until I ... individually check my 77 houseplants for pests or if they need water. Watching each new cutting root and every new leaf unfurl and harden is the highlight of my day because, if I can make these plants grow ever so beautifully, I can flourish with them.

Kyler Rieken

Riverside (Oakland)

ACT score: 35

Class rank: 1/44

GPA: 4.000

College: Undeclared

Major: Business Administration/Pre-Law

Kyler Rieken
Kyler Rieken

What are your life goals? Professionally, my goal is to become involved in politics later in life. Law and politics have always fascinated me, and I feel that my experience with public speaking, leadership, and research have prepared me to be a public servant. Everyone has something they are destined to do. Though I am unsure of my purpose, I trust that God will reveal it to me at the right time.

What challenges have shaped you, and how? The biggest challenge that continues to shape me is balancing my involvement in school and the community. I take pride in participating in numerous activities at school, including six varsity sports (football, basketball, baseball, track, soccer, and swimming), six different band and choir ensembles, extracurricular activities such as FFA, 4H, Individual Speech, Quiz Bowl, and sports broadcasting, and leadership organizations such as NHS, Student Council, Class Office, and student school board representative. Additionally, I am active in my church, local organizations, and with other community events. Growing up in a small community, I know that if people, including myself, do not step up to participate, such activities may not occur. I am proud to represent and help my school and community positively.

My favorite place in Iowa: I have spent many hours on my grandparents’ farm outside of Henderson, Iowa. It is the only place I know where their house is in one county, their mailing address in another, their school district in a third, and their phone line in a fourth. Working in the hot summers, frigid winters, rainy springs, and windy falls taught me the importance of hard work and dedication, which will help me in life.

Tommy Ferguson

Mount Vernon

ACT score: 36

GPA: 3.853

College: University of Iowa

Major: Theater

Tommy Ferguson
Tommy Ferguson

What are your life goals? I plan to go to college for four years to get my degree. After college, I hope to work in the field of theater, specifically the technical and behind-the-scenes aspects of theater.

What challenges have shaped you, and how? The biggest challenge in my life was when I completed my Eagle project for Scouts. I planned and executed the project with minimal help from adults and friends, and it was a lot of work, but it paid off in the end. I received my Eagle badge a few months ago, and it was totally worth it, even though it was extremely challenging.

Best high school memory: All my favorite memories come from when I am working on a theater show, which is why I love it so much and I want to make it my career. The most recent and my final show was “Mary Poppins,” and I had a great time watching the actors improve and grow into their roles.

My favorite place in Iowa: The place I like going to the most is the Iowa State Fair in the summer. I like seeing all the animals and hanging out with my family. I also enjoy going to the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion, which is held in Mount Pleasant, and features a bunch of really cool, old engines and farm equipment. They have a lot of cool demonstrations and exhibits.

My day is not complete until I ... and my mom watch TV and have popcorn before going to bed so we can spend some time together and enjoy a show.

Kiran Elfenbein


ACT score: 31

Class rank: 2/111

GPA: 4.051

College: Bowdoin College

Major: Sociology

Kiran Elfenbein
Kiran Elfenbein

What are your life goals? I have always been fascinated by people and how their perspectives and the world influence one another. I hope to earn a Ph.D. in sociology, to honor my own interest in the field and to thank those who have dedicated their careers to shaping students’ interests. My life has been significantly changed by teachers who not only helped me discover my interest in the social structures but also stoked my passion for learning. I plan to pursue a career in academia. In my first college class, my professor expanded my world in infinite ways. I walked away from that class with a better understanding of myself and the impact I’d like to have on the world.

What challenges have shaped you, and how? From the moment I moved to Grinnell, I knew I stood out; I said “soda,” not “pop,” and my skin was darker than the majority of my peers’. I felt out of place. To combat my insecurity, I expressed myself through drawing to capture what words couldn’t. With this, I began to notice things about other people that reminded me of myself — the effort a girl put into her outfit that day or the kid folding origami figures from notebook paper. I wondered if they were also using art to feel more secure about themselves. I began to compliment the things I saw. When someone did the same for me, I felt like people were noticing me rather than my differences, and I wanted to return this kindness. Eventually, I understood that connecting with others through care made me feel less alien.

My day is not complete until I ... listen to “Here Comes The Sun” by The Beatles. The angelic song that inspired my name (which means “ray of light”) is a daily reminder that regardless of how long, cold, or lonely life may seem in the moment, the sun will come again and I will rise with it.

Abrie Asay

Iowa Connections Academy

ACT score: 32

Class rank: 2/243

GPA: 4.127

College: Iowa State University

Major: Industrial Engineering

Abrie Asay
Abrie Asay

What are your life goals? One of my biggest goals that I'm currently working towards is becoming an industrial engineer. Through this career, I hope to help American businesses move toward highly productive models that are also sustainable. Someday, I also hope to open my own business, though I'm not quite sure what kind yet. I love the idea of being my own boss. While my career goals are important, I also hope to lead a life full of volunteering and traveling.

What challenges have shaped you, and how? My family has lived in many other places around the US.  My dad is a helicopter pilot, which required my family to move … a lot. Eventually, we traveled so much for work and to visit family that I couldn’t stay in a regular in-person school.  Since my sophomore year, I have attended Iowa Connections Academy, an online accredited public high school. Online school was the only option for our unconventional lifestyle. During this experience, I was very resentful of the situation. My social opportunities were very limited. I couldn’t join sports, clubs, band, or any type of activity because of my inability to commit to any regularly scheduled activities. In retrospect, I realize that this experience made me so much better at meeting people outside of the school setting. I’ve learned how to be bold, create my own opportunities, and earn respect from strangers.

Best high school memory: In the summer of 2023, I planned a community event to raise support for a derelict historical landmark called Old Fort Madison. I lined up food trucks, vendors, a bounce house, and music for an evening of community camaraderie. The “Picnic at the Fort” was a smashing success and brought a crowd of over 250 people. This was a very proud moment for me because I was able to use my leadership skills to benefit my community.

We want your feedback

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ACADEMIC ALL-STATE 2024: Top 10 statewide | Full list | Northwest | Northeast | Central | Southwest | Southeast

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Register's Academic All-State 2024: The top 10 students statewide