Daryl Hannah arrested during White House protest

“Kill Bill” actress and environmental activist Daryl Hannah was among 100 protesters arrested during a Tuesday demonstration outside the White House.

The 50 year-old Hollywood icon was also arrested in 2009 for protesting against the removal of a West Virginia mountaintop, and in 2006 for confronting authorities attempting to demolish a southern California farm. She was detained by police Tuesday at a protest pushing President Barack Obama to reject an oil pipeline project that would increase oil importation from Alberta, Canada. The oil is located in an unconventional petroleum deposit in an area of “oil sands,” otherwise called “tar sands.” (RELATED: Report links global warming with mental illness)

“Tar sands are the worst environmental atrocity,” Hannah told People magazine after paying a fine and being released. “This pipeline would extend over the nation’s largest freshwater aquafiers that 20 million people depend on for water.”

Hannah went on to say that being arrested is not ideal, but sometimes it’s part of the protest experience.

“I do believe we are in a time of crisis for so many things,” Hannah said. “And in times of crisis, you have to get engaged in the process. You have to walk your talk. Being arrested is something you never hope for. You don’t want to get arrested. But you know it’s a risk you take.”

She added that most of the people arrested that day were regular citizens.

“The majority of people who got arrested with me were moms, grandmothers and school teachers,” Hannah continued. “Like me, they are standing up against this big corporation and saying, ‘No.’”

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