The dark side of selfies: How the modern obsession is damaging the mental health of young people

Young people today are under pressure to present an idealised version of themselves on social media according to charities and psychologists  - Image Source
Young people today are under pressure to present an idealised version of themselves on social media according to charities and psychologists - Image Source

When Danny Bowman was 15 the first thing he would do when he woke up was reach for his phone and take 10 or 20 photos of his face.

He would then zoom in on the selfies and scour them for any imperfections. The next step would be to wash his face and undertake a rigorous beauty regime before taking another dozen selfies.

Only when he had one he was happy with he would post it on social media and await the comments, hoping his peers would validate him with compliments.

It was a self-destructive feed loop that at its height saw Danny spending 10 hours taking more than 200 selfies a day trying to get that perfect selfie.

As his behaviour worsened he begun to see imperfections in his looks others would never pick up on and began purging his food.

The obsessive selfie-taking in the hunt for social media validation eventually led to him seeking help at Maudsley psychiatric hospital in London for Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and borderline eating disorders.

Danny is now a healthy 23-year-old, who describes himself as still in recovery, and is the director of mental health at the think tank, Parliament Street.

Danny Bowman struggled with his selfie addiction as a teenager - Credit: Danny Bowman
Danny Bowman struggled with his selfie addiction as a teenager Credit: Danny Bowman

However looking back he says his destructive selfie obsession aggravated his BDD and robbed him of part of his childhood.

He told the Telegraph: “There is a darker side to selfies as you can edit them and we know they can exacerbate mental health issues and body dysmorphia.”

National Selfie Day

Today is National Selfie day and a cursory search of the hashtag on Instagram will show hundreds of thousands people beaming and pouting into their cameras.

Some are taken on sun-drenched holiday’s, some are of perspiring visages in the gym, but all posters are trying to telegraph a positive image of their life - and all taken at the most complimentary angle.

Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian helped popularise selfies  - Credit: Getty
Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian helped popularise selfies Credit: Getty

On the surface it seems perfectly natural to want to portray oneself in the most flattering light.

It’s something humans have been doing long before millennials discovered the front facing smartphone camera, as anyone who’s stood in front of a statue of a Roman Emperor or oil painting of a Stuart monarch can attest.

Yet today’s social media apps are replete with ways to subtly touch up our self image, whether with an Instagram or Snapchat filter.

And this, according to Danny, makes social media even more precarious for young people seeking validation through their selfies today.

“I think it is an issue with the older generation to say these millennials are being vain or being self centred," he said. "But I think the biggest issue is social media detaching people from the real world and millennials feeling they need to be perfect.

At a glance | Selfies in numbers
At a glance | Selfies in numbers

“Social media creates an alternate reality where people look a different way and can change their cheeks or their eyes and that is really dangerous. When other people look at it they wonder ‘why don’t I look like that’.”

“It is not real, what you're seeing on Instagram. Don’t believe what you see and try to live a life that is a little imperfect.”


The modern obsession with capturing and sharing flattering self-portraits has gone so far that last year ‘selfitis’ was recognised a genuine psychological condition.

The term was originally coined as a hoax but then adopted following research at Nottingham Trent University and Thiagarajar School of Management in India, a country with the highest deaths from people attempting selfies in dangerous locations.

The condition is when people feel compelled to continually post pictures of themselves on social media and may need help.

The findings, published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction confirmed that there are three levels of selfitis.

Borderline cases are people who take selfies at least three times a day, but do not post them on social media. Next is the ‘acute’ phase of the disorder where the pictures are posted.

The Selfitis Behaviour Scale
The Selfitis Behaviour Scale

In the third ‘chronic’ stage, people feel an uncontrollable urge to take photos of one’s self round the clock, posting them more than six times a day.

Researchers found that typical ‘selfitis’ sufferers were often lacking in self confidence, who were hoping to boost their social standing and feel part of a group by constantly posting images of themselves.

Impact on mental health

For Psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos, the author of the book Unfollow, the modern selfie culture is damaging for young people’s mental health.

She said that posting endless edited selfies created an attainable digital self-image that people were unable to  live up to in real life.

“I would always say that back in the day we couldn’t live up to the models in the magazines but now we can’t even live up to ourselves," she said. 

"That’s really messed up. I think this era of PR-ing oneself is very insidious, especially when you are trying to establish a sense of yourself."

Young people today are struggling to live up to the idealised facsimile they create of themselves on social media, according to Dr Linda Papadopoulos - Credit: Digital Vision
Young people today are struggling to live up to the idealised facsimile they create of themselves on social media, according to Dr Linda Papadopoulos Credit: Digital Vision

However in her own 15-year-old daughter’s generation, Dr Papadopoulos said she has seen the seeds of a backlash against the age of the selfie, with teens purposely posting unflattering images of themselves.

This gives her hope that teenagers are becoming more aware of how artificial the manicured realities they experience on social media are.

But she added that she felt the selfie craze was a symptom of the unhealthy environment social media has created for young people.

“I am convinced that levels of anxiety and depression are impacted by the way we relate to social media and the way we are not living up to our idealised selves,” said Dr Papadopoulos, an ambassador for Internet Matters.

“It is a lot deeper than just posting a picture. I think what is more interesting is the scratching away at your sense of self and we that know self esteem is related to issues of anxiety and depression”.

‘Buck stops with Social media companies’

The charity YoungMinds said it was concern that young people today face the added pressure while growing up of “creating a personal brand” for themselves on social media.

It said parents needed to be aware of this added stress their children were under and help them understand that social media presented a skewed version of reality.

Tom Madders, Campaigns Director at YoungMinds, said: “While social media can bring lots of positives, it can also intensify some of the hardest parts of growing up. Young people now face the pressure of creating a personal brand from a young age, and can feel like they need to measure their life by the amount of likes they get.

“Seeing constant of images of friends and celebrities with apparently ‘perfect’ appearances can also have a big impact on how young people feel about themselves.”

Duty of Care campaign | Read more
Duty of Care campaign | Read more

He added: “Social media companies must also take action to make their platforms appropriate for younger users, and promote good mental health.”

For Danny the onus is also on social media companies to do more to ensure their platforms don’t encourage damaging behaviour.

He said: “It is about how social media companies make it safe. I think the buck stops with them and I think they need to put safeguards in.

“It is about controlling usage and identifying people who may have an issue.”