Daniel Pearl's Father Wants Mormons to Un-Baptize His Son

Daniel Pearl's Father Wants Mormons to Un-Baptize His Son

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints posthumously baptized Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was killed by Pakistani militants in in 2002, and now Pearl's father says they should take it back. The Boston Globe reported on Wednesday that the church had quietly baptized the late reporter, whose last words were "I am Jewish," in June 2011. On hearing the news, Pearl's father Judea Pearl said it was time for Mormons to stop postumously baptizing Jewish people, and to nullify those baptisms they had performed, the Los Angeles Times reported. "I think my son feels very comfortable wherever he is," Judea Pearl told the paper. The church apologized last month for posthumously baptizing the parents of late Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, in spite of a 1995 agreement to stop posthumously baptizing Jewish Holocaust victims, CNN reported. Jewish and Mormon leaders reached another pact in 2010 to stop the posthumous baptisms, which Pearl's baptism appears to violate.