It’s dangerous to treat pension funds as arms of the state

jeremy hunt
jeremy hunt

There’s an old saying that diversification is the only free lunch in finance. Why, then, is the Chancellor toying with plans to introduce a British Isa, asking pension funds to disclose how much they invest in the UK, and thereby encouraging investors of all stripes to allocate more money to their home market?

The answer, of course, is that Jeremy Hunt is looking for ways to engineer a bit more interest in the deeply unloved UK stock market. At a time when global indices are regularly breaking fresh records, the FTSE appears to be treading water and the trickle of British companies abandoning a listing in their home market is in danger of becoming a flood.

However, reports suggest the Financial Conduct Authority isn’t best impressed with new rules announced by the Treasury last week. These would require pension schemes to reveal their levels of investment in British businesses (as well as being clearer about their costs and returns in comparison to other schemes).

The financial watchdog has let it be known that there’s precious little evidence that investors or the wider markets are being harmed by the absence of such disclosures.

Well, that somewhat depends on how broadly you define harm. I’m certainly not going to defend a British Isa (one suggestion currently doing the rounds is that tax relief on overseas stocks be removed, which is straightforwardly bonkers). However, I’m a bit more relaxed about the disclosure requirements for pension schemes as long as it doesn’t morph into a diktat about how and where they invest.

A country’s capital markets are a delicate ecosystem with lots of moving parts. At least part of the reason for the current dire state of the stock market is that past governments have upset the balance.

New accounting regulations brought in during the 1990s forced companies to include pension schemes on their balance sheet. Then, in 1997, Gordon Brown infamously removed dividend tax credits from pension schemes. This two-punch combination hastened the demise of Britain’s gold-plated defined benefit scheme, triggering a wholesale shift out of equities and into bonds.

To make matters worse, the new defined contribution schemes that have replaced the old defined benefit schemes appear to be investing far less in their home market compared to similar funds in other countries. This has had a series of serious knock-on implications, including raising the cost of capital for UK companies, reducing the amount they therefore invest and the number of jobs they create.

And the problem could very well get worse before it gets better. In the past, a pension scheme would decide how much of its money it wanted to invest in equities and then split this allocation fairly evenly between its home market and the rest of the world. In recent years, many schemes have shifted to just investing in global equities, with their allocation to UK equities decided by this country’s weighting in global market indices (which is roughly 4pc).

That trend is still in progress. Research conducted by the think tank New Financial found the overall allocation to UK equities by local government pension schemes, for example, fell from 25pc in 2013 to just 10pc today. However, only half such schemes have switched from a “UK centric” model to a “global equities” approach. If the rest follows suit, the proportion of LGPS assets invested in UK equities will fall to just 2pc.

The result is that the UK is at risk of becoming something of a global outlier in terms of asset allocation. Many Australian pension schemes – which are often held up as examples for the UK to follow – offer members higher default allocation to domestic equities than in the UK.

Nest is the UK’s largest DC scheme with around 12 million participants and over £30bn in assets under management. But its annual report contains no mention of how much of this money is invested in the UK. By contrast, Australia’s largest DC scheme, AustralianSuper with 3.3 million members and A$125bn (£64bn) of assets, has a whole section in its annual report extolling its contribution to its home economy.

You could argue that schemes have no responsibility to the wider economy. But this is a little disingenuous. Local authority pension and civil service pension schemes are extremely generous and funded by the taxpayer. Overall, pension tax relief adds up to around £48bn a year – more than the entire defence budget. Nothing exists in isolation.

Ultimately, the Government shouldn’t be telling pension schemes how or where to invest. But it does need a clearer picture than it currently has of what’s going on so that it can tweak the incentives if necessary to maintain the health of its capital markets.

If past changes to regulations and tax treatment have resulted in schemes investing less in the UK, it stands to reason that future regulatory and tax tweaks could help redress the balance. Hunt’s plan will give the Government and the market a better idea of who is investing in what.

The reduced demand for UK assets has undoubtedly been one (but by no means the only) reason that UK assets have performed so poorly. The danger, according to William Wright, the head of think tank New Financial, is that the UK market gets sucked into “a ‘doom loop’ in which the reduced allocation to UK equities helps feed reduced demand and relative performance of UK equities, which in turn reduces demand and allocations further”.

Clearly it would be a complete abrogation of responsibility for any Chancellor to stand aside while his country’s stock market circled the drain. What’s more, scheme members surely have a right to know where their money is being put to work. The FCA seems to be objecting to more disclosure and better transparency. That seems an odd stance for a regulator to take.

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