How Dangerous Is The Job Of Journalists?

The phrase — “Don’t shoot the messenger” gets lost in translation when masked militants are fighting against a government army, and a reporter, with the sole motive of making the world aware of events happening live, gets caught up in the crossfire.

While the job of a journalist might seem exciting and powerful — capable of making or breaking a nation’s governing bodies – it is not without its perils.

The latest case of Swedish journalist Kim Wall, who never returned after going to interview Danish inventor Peter Madsen, on his submarine, on Aug. 10, shocked the world. More than 10 days later, the headless corpse of Wall washed up on the shores of Copenhagen, Denmark, and Madsen was charged with the manslaughter of the journalist.

“During the horrendous days since Kim disappeared, we have had countless evidence of how loved and appreciated she was, as a human and a friend as well as a professional journalist,” a translated Facebook Post by Wall’s mother, Ingrid Wall, read. “From all corners of the world comes evidence of Kim's ability to be a person who makes a difference.”

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, 48 reporters were killed last year in various parts of the world, while on assignments. Among them, 36 were covering war and 18 were political journalists (some of them belonged to both genres).

It was also observed that more journalists were killed in crossfire or combat (26) than those murdered (18). The top five countries which proved to be the most perilous for journalists and media workers in 2016 were the ones that have been torn by ongoing militant uprisings, political unrest, and other kinds of violence: Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia.


Reporters often put their lives in danger to bring us the latest news. In this photo, Journalists document a Civil Defense Authority mock chemical attack in Kuwait City, Kuwait, Dec. 28, 2002. Photo: Getty Images/ Scott Nelson

Apart from meeting a horrible end, journalists who have dared to take on dangerous assignments, have been kidnapped, tortured and threatened by influential people who stood to get exposed due to the former’s efforts. However, regardless of the risks involved, passionate journalists keep doing their jobs fearlessly.


Journalists scramble behind U.S. Marines from the 3rd Battalion 1st Marine Division as they practice squad rushes at Living Support Area Seven near the Iraqi border in northern Kuwait, Feb. 1, 2003. Photo: Getty Images/ Scott Nelson

One such example is Lydia Cacho from Mexico who has been described by Amnesty International as "perhaps Mexico’s most famous investigative journalist and women’s rights advocate." Even though she has faced religious harassment, torture and death threats from people she has dared to expose via her writing, she has continued being loyal to her profession.

Following the 2005 publication of “Los demonios del Edén,” an exposé on the existence of a Mexican child pornography ring in the popular resort of Cancún, Mexico, Cacho was arrested by Puebla state officials on Dec. 16, in the same year, and interrogated for 20 hours inside a van that kept driving around the city. After being threatened physically, she was taken to the police station where she was charged with defamation and calumny, the Dangerous Woman Project reported.

Later it was brought to light that the person who ordered her arrest was former Governor of Puebla Mario Marín. That was not the end of Cacho running into trouble with highly influential businessmen.

On July 29, 2012, Cacho received a call on a personal number that she only used for emergencies. An unknown male voice on the other end told her: “We have already warned you, b----, don’t mess with us. It is clear you didn’t learn with the small trip you were given. What is coming next for you will be in pieces, that is how we will send you home.”

Even though she admitted in an interview with the Guardian that she does not “scare easily,” she was forced to flee Mexico for the fifth time that year, following the terrifying phone call. Over the years, Cacho has been offered asylum in several countries across the world, including Great Britain.

Cacho has stared right into the eyes of death more times than she can count and hence, she has always been ready for the worst. “One day three years ago, I sat down with all my team and said, ‘Let’s make a safety plan. In case I get murdered, this is what you will do.’ Because that’s what you have to do — we are in a high-risk job, and if you don’t accept that, you could be killed and nothing would be done… I know I’m messing with organized crime: I’m not a kid anymore,” Cacho told Mother Jones in May 2007.

Robert Kvile, ambassador to Norway's delegation to The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Vienna addressed the Permanent Council on Nov. 5, 2015, which also happened to be the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. “There is no excuse for allowing attacks and murders of journalists and media workers to go unpunished,” he said, after citing the fact that even though 700 journalists died in the last decade, trying to report the truth to the public, “only one in ten cases of crimes committed against media workers has resulted in a conviction.”


TIME magazine photographer, Franco Pagetti (L), holds a bandanna to his head to try and stop a wound from bleeding after two bombs went off in the area in Baghdad, Iraq, Jan. 19, 2006. Photo: Getty Images/ Joe Raedle

Furthermore, he called upon the states to “take steps to promote a safe and enabling environment for journalists and other media actors to perform their work independently and without undue interference, free from fear of violence and persecution.”

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