Dan Harmon Officially Hated Harmon-Less 'Community'

Dan Harmon Officially Hated Harmon-Less 'Community'

Community's new/old showrunner Dan Harmon has finally weighed in with the review of the show's fourth season that the thousands of fans of NBC's cult favorite have been waiting for. On the most recent episode of his "Harmontown" podcast, the notoriously difficult writer first said the Harmon-less season wasn't his "cup of tea" before getting a little too rape-y with his description. Indeed, Harmon's inveighing upon Community under the stewardship of two replacement showrunners, Moses Port and David Guarascio — well, let's just say Harmon got more and more graphic as the podcast continued. He said watching the show last season was like "flipping through Instagram just watching your girlfriend blow a million other guys," and then, later, he may have crossed a line: Harmon was describing how he felt after he learned the show got Josh Brolin to play Jeff Winger's dad. You see, he had always wanted Bill Murray to play the father of Joel McHale's protagonist — he allegedly named Jeff after Bill Murray's character in Stripes — but once Brolin was cast by his replacements, Harmon's dream was done. And then: 

"I just always thought Jeff Winger's dad would be Bill Murray. But there's something awesome about having all of those preconceived notions ripped away from you. It's exciting. There's something exciting about being held down and watching your family get raped on a beach. It's liberating. It makes you focus on what's important."

So... this is a change of tune. Harmon previously said he wasn't "going to be a jerk about" season four because there were "some great writers working on that show who bled with me for seasons one, two and three…the worst thing I can do is fart in their direction at all." And, well, this is Harmon being a jerk about it. 

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So does this mean Harmon is going to go full Keyzer Soze on all the character development from season four and just do whatever he wants? The third season ended with an "it was all a dream" reveal that angered critics and viewers alike. But it was contained within the episode, unlike Dallas's notoriously dreamed-up full season. On the other hand, Harmon did say he called Bill Murray about appearing on Community as he was watching the Josh Brolin episode. So he's got that going for him, which is nice.