Dalton school board buys buses

Mar. 13—Plans by the Dalton Board of Education to bring bus service in-house are on hold, but board members took some steps Monday to take more control of the school system's transportation.

The board members voted unanimously to:

—Buy two 72-passenger school buses for $271,000 under a state contract.

"They are in production right now, we are being told we can receive the buses in the summertime in July," said Chief Financial Officer Theresa Perry.

—Buy two 44-passenger activity buses for $412,000 under a state contract.

"There will be a 15-month delivery on these," said Perry.

The school system has contracted out bus service since 1974 but during the last year officials have been looking at bringing it back in-house, saying they believe they could save money.

School officials asked the City Council last fall to approve a resolution to have the Dalton Building Authority issue $13 million in bonds for Dalton Public Schools to buy school buses. The council members at the time declined, saying they needed more information.

"We are going to take some steps to give us a little more control," said school board Chairman Matt Evans. "That's the vision behind that until we can work out financing."

Board members also voted unanimously to buy a Ford Expedition under a state contract for $58,950.

Perry said it would be paid for, in part, by the school system's federal funding for homeless education and would free up a "regular school" bus that is now used for daily activities for students.

Officials said the school system currently has 447 homeless students.