'The Daily Show’ tries to end government shutdown using ex-FBI hostage negotiator

'The Daily Show’ tries to end government shutdown using ex-FBI hostage negotiator

With Democrats accusing Republicans of holding the federal government hostage over Obamacare, "The Daily Show" took a crack at ending the shutdown with the help of a former FBI hostage negotiator.

In a segment on Tuesday's show, correspondent Jason Jones sat down with GOP strategist Noelle Nikpour to try to hammer out a deal to reopen the government. With Nikpour unwavering in her quest to defund Obamacare, an exasperated Jones enlisted tactics he learned from Christopher Voss, a 15-year veteran hostage negotiator.

Armed with a bullhorn, bulletproof vest and Voss coaching him, Jones attempted to find some common ground with Nikpour.

"Don't be condescending and try to see it from her perspective," Voss told Jones.

"Don't be condescending? That's all I know how to be," Jones said.

Not surprisingly, the negotiation hit a standstill.

"I can't keep this up it's so stupid," Jones told Voss.

"It's not stupid to her," Boss said. "You have to realize even in her world this makes sense."