Daily DIY: Book Review - Wallpaper Projects

If DIY was a dessert,Curiosity Shoppeowners Derek Fagerstrom and Lauren Smith would be creme brulee. Filled to the brim with great DIY projects (that keep getting better!), the duo recently took their advice to the books inWallpaper Projects. What amazed me most about this book was the incredible amount of information available, from prepping your walls for paper to removing the tough stuff.
As with most DIY projects from Fagerstrom and Smith, the design is in the details. Ideas for using wallpaper scraps that may otherwise be trashed are plenty in this book, including tutorials for notecards, paperweights, magnets and brooches.

My favorite tutorial? Picture frame mats using wallpaper. I honestly hadn't thought to use wallpaper for this purpose, but after seeing the results, I'll never go basic again.

Including a section for wallpaper improvisations (where you can scan your own photos to create the look!), the book ends with a bang. Certainly a resource any DIY lover will want to keep on their [wallpapered!] shelves for years and years.

Wallpaper Projects
Authors: Derek Fagerstrom and Lauren Smith
Chronicle Books

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.