The Daily Dirt: October 5, 2012

Report Says Waiving Ethanol Mandate Will Help Next Year

A report from the Food and Agricultural Research Institute concluded that if the EPA waived its ethanol fuel mandate this year, it would be easier to meet production quotas in 2013.

Environmentalists and Labor Rally for Energy Referendum in Chicago

A referendum on the Chicago ballot would allow the city to buy electricity on the behalf of its residents and require meetings to decide where to purchase energy from.

China Suffering from Waging Solar Price War

China has produced significantly more solar panels than their is demand for causing the price of panels to decrease and more Chinese companies to go out of business.

Daryl Hannah Arrested Protesting Keystone Pipeline

The celebrity and Elinor Fairchild were blocking the path of heavy machinery installing part of the Keystone Pipeline on Fairchild's land in Texas. They were taken to Wood County Jail roughly 100 miles east of Dallas.

Research Finds Roman and Chinese Empires Emitted Methane

Examining ice cores, Utrecht University researchers concluded the Romans and Chinese burned large amounts of charcol, emitting roughly one-seventieth of the emissions we make today.

Andrew Freeman is a California native with a degree in history from UCLA. He’s covered a wide range of topics for TakePart, but is particularly interested in politics and policy.  Email Andrew |@natureofdabeast |