Daily Caller Wants to Give You a Gun

There's no way this could ever go wrong: The Daily Caller plans to give away a gun a week until election day. The so-called Great Gun Giveaway doesn't, um, target any specific issue, but Daily Caller publisher and CEO Neil Patel made a general appeal to his readers' as red-blooded everypeople: "Like most Americans outside Washington, DC, New York City and most of our nation’s news rooms, large numbers of Daily Caller readers love guns," he said in the contest announcement.

RELATED: Ginni Thomas Joins The Daily Caller Staff

All this gun-friendliness sounds like a big ol' promotion for the site's Guns and Gear section as well as California-based gun manufacturer FMK, whose 9-mm pistol engraved with the second amendment will get shipped out to some 23 Americans before Nov. 6 -- or as Daily Intel's Joe Coscarelli mockingly called it, Bring Down Obama Day. Yikes.