This cute little seal made a cameo appearance on Bondi Beach

Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia isn't particularly well known for its wildlife, unless you count kale juice drinking gym junkies as fauna.

That's why this cute little seal appearing on the shores of Bondi Tuesday is a pretty special sight. The city has been at the receiving end of intense weather in the past few days, as wild storms lashed coasts and made excellent conditions for ridiculous surfing competitions.

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It's perhaps a reason why this adorable thing took some time out from the swell, leaping out of the sea and taking a rest on the beach's steps. Curious onlookers watched on as the seal waddled over to the stairs at the north end of the beach. A video was captured by "Julian" and uploaded to the Macelleria Facebook page.

Another Instagram user, Bj Edwards, also got close — but not too close — to the strange visitor, snapping a few photos for later. "The ocean life is getting way too mainstream, would rather drink coffee and do yoga," one of the captions reads.

The seal didn't stick around for long however, returning back to the sea after its sojourn, according to the photographer.

"[I] was amazed at the discipline everyone showed by keeping distance. I would say it appeared for five or six minutes max and then swam to the rocks and then back into the ocean," Edward told Mashable Australia via Instagram message. 

The small crowd that formed also helped the animal from not getting too lost in its short adventure.

"I would say in a bizarre way the eight or so people watching it, helped by blocking its way up to the five meter high boardwalk and nobody blocked its path to the ocean or rocks. Best morning ever," he said.

Thanks for dropping by, little guy.

UPDATE: June 8, 2016, 11:37 a.m. AEST Added comments from BJ Edwards.