Current and former Ocala mayors gather at OPD to discuss their experiences

It's not often you get former and current politicians to meet, sit and talk to each other.

At the OcaIa Police Department's Community Room on Wednesday, five former mayors of the city of Ocala and current Mayor Benjamin Marciano gathered to share stories of their time as the top boss with each other and the media.

The mayors in attendance included Wayne L. Rubinas (1980-88), Craig Curry (1988-89), Gerald K. Ergle, (2001-05), Randall "Randy" Ewers (2005-11), Reuben Kent Guinn (2011-23) and Marciano (2023-present).

Ocala Mayor Benjamin Marciano, from left, and former mayors Reuben Kent Guinn, Randall “Randy” Ewers, Gerald K. Ergle, Craig Curry and Wayne L. Rubians gathered Wednesday at the Ocala Police Department to talk about their experiences.
Ocala Mayor Benjamin Marciano, from left, and former mayors Reuben Kent Guinn, Randall “Randy” Ewers, Gerald K. Ergle, Craig Curry and Wayne L. Rubians gathered Wednesday at the Ocala Police Department to talk about their experiences.

Police Chief Mike Balken, who in his years at the department has worked for four of the six mayors, welcomed the former leaders.

Balken called their presence an honor, while praising their leadership and vision for the city's success. He thanked them for their continued support and guidance to those before and after them.

Each mayor had the opportunity to share their experience at the podium.

Marciano went first. He said he's mayor of the best city in the country because of its residents. He thanked the men and women of the police department, city employees and the team for doing an excellent job at keeping the city vibrant.

In his short time as mayor, Marciano said he remembers giving a speech at a teen drug court and later receiving an email from a parent thanking him for inspiring hope to her child, who now thinks he can make a difference.

Rubinas said being around his fellow mayors is a wonderful opportunity and was happy to share stories of when he was in office.

As mayor, he said there was a strong bond between himself, the city's staff and the police chief. One of the roles as mayor is he or she is in charge of the police department. Though the mayor doesn't have a vote, he or she can veto ordinances. He remembers vetoing a measure brought to the council, even though it passed 5-0.

Rubinas said he remembers swearing in officers in odd places and late at night, and agreeing to introduce the community to the motorcycle unit.

Curry said being the mayor is unique because it allows them to view and act upon complex issues from a different perspective.

For instance, he recalled when he was approached by Arthur Appleton about wanting $7 million in 90 days or the Appleton Museum would be closing. He said he had the chance to work with the city council, city manager and others and, bit by bit, was able to raise the needed funds.

Curry is the only one of the group that served on the city council, as mayor, as a county commissioner and chairman of the county commission. He's presently a county commissioner.

The ex-mayor said he received a call from an official in Leesburg asking him how's he fighting the drug problem. Curry said at the time they had formed a joint taskforce to tackle the issue.

Ergle said he wanted to be the people's mayor and talked with everyone so they could be united. One thing he remembers doing was to bring an ice rink to downtown Ocala that was enjoyed by everyone.

He referred to his time as mayor as four years of fun.

Ewers compared the mayor's job to riding a roller coaster. He said he raised his family in Ocala and wouldn't do it anywhere else. The former mayor told Marciano things will change and there will be challenges.

Guinn, who was the longest serving mayor of the six, said one challenge he faced early in his tenure was to find a police chief because the chief at the time told him he was going to resign.

Guinn said he was able to pick a chief and everyone worked together for a better Ocala.

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Guinn said one thing he's proud of was to clean Parkside Gardens Apartments.

Contact Austin L. Miller at

This article originally appeared on Ocala Star-Banner: Current and former Ocala Florida mayors gather to discuss experiences