Crowd At Yankee Stadium Greets Rudy Giuliani With 'Thunderous Boos'

It’s Memorial Day ― a national holiday known for backyard barbecue and maybe a bit of booze. Unless you’re Rudy Giuliani, in which case it’s mostly just boos.

The former New York City mayor-turned-lawyer for President Donald Trump spent the day ― his 74th birthday, no less ― at a Yankees game. But when the PA announcer noted his presence and wished him a happy birthday, the crowd at Yankee Stadium reportedly wasn’t feeling it.

Rather than cheer, they booed. Hard:

The Yankees lost to the Houston Astros 5-1.

Rudy Giuliani takes in a New York Yankees game on May 28. The crowd loudly booed the former New York City mayor when the PA announcer announced his presence Monday. (Photo: Elsa via Getty Images)
Rudy Giuliani takes in a New York Yankees game on May 28. The crowd loudly booed the former New York City mayor when the PA announcer announced his presence Monday. (Photo: Elsa via Getty Images)

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.