Crosswords and Sudoku are not the solution to dementia, says Age UK report

Many people think activities such as crosswords will reduce their chances of developing dementia - Vetta
Many people think activities such as crosswords will reduce their chances of developing dementia - Vetta

Crosswords and Sudoku do not help reduce the chances of developing dementia, a leading older people's charity has warned.

Online "brain-training" games have little benefit for brain health and memory, and people should concentrate on socialising and learning new skills, such as a language, according to recommendations from Age UK and the Global Council on Brain Health.

This is despite the widespread belief that they are an effective way to stave off dementia, it added.

The report by the GCBH says: "If people play a 'brain game,' they may get better at that game, but improvements in game performance have not yet been shown to convincingly result in improvements in people’s daily cognitive abilities.

"There is insufficient evidence that improvements in game performance will improve people’s overall functioning in everyday life." 

Instead it recommends practising tai-chi or taking photography classes. Those who are already mentally active can take on activities which give them "a purpose in life", such as volunteering or providing companionship. 

A 2015 study by a US group found that two in three over-50s believe that playing online games is important for maintaining brain health. 

But the new report accuses companies who market online games of using "exaggerated" claims to promote their products, which may not be the best way to keep an active mind.  

It says the evidence surrounding the games is "weak to non-existent" and they are less effective than many day-to-day activities.

The report follows previous studies which have found that exercises such as crossword puzzles could be beneficial for brain health. 

Last month researchers at the University of Exeter and King’s College London found that those who complete crossword puzzles every day have brain function which is equivalent to someone ten years younger on tests involving grammar and short-term memory. 

Key things you should do to keep your brain active | Global Council on Brain Health

In 2010 another study carried out by a US university, Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, found that completing regular crossword puzzles could delay the onset of degenerative diseases such as dementia. 

Other research has found that exercising and making changes to diet could be effective ways of staving off Alzheimer's. 

The GCBH is made up of scientists and charities who are working to improve understanding of brain health. 

Age UK’s chief scientist James Goodwin says: “Many people think that all thinking skills decline with age, and we know there is certainly a lot of fear around this happening. Our minds, after all, are the essence of our aspirations, passions, capacities and personalities; they make us who we are.

“But decline is not inevitable, and there are plenty of activities that we can start today that can provide benefits for brain health.  If they are new to you and require your concentrated attention they may even be activities that you do regularly in your life, such as playing with grandchildren, gardening or playing cards."

The authors add that the myth that "old dogs can't learn new tricks" is inaccurate as older people are still able to learn as they age. It particularly recommends learning a new language.

It says older people should not assume a decline in their memory is inevitable and that writing lists and taking time to observe surroundings can help, as "a lot of what people attribute to poor memory is not paying close attention". 

However, the report also warns that there is no way to "guarantee" brain health and people should be "realistic" about any benefits.